films like this

i love these kind of films, bloody cartoons like Watership Down, Plague Dogs, Silver Fang and ofcourse Felidae, Can you people recomend other films like these,



I'm also trying to hunt bloody, gory or otherwise disturbing or bizarre animations like Felidae. And even though I love anime, now I'm talking about western animations. It's not very easy task to find those kind movies but I know some which aren't mentioned yet.

1. Macskafogo (Cat city) "1986"
Very weird and crazy hungarian animated movie about mouses and cats living together as arch enemies.

2. Macskafogo 2 - A satan macskaja (Catcher: Cat City 2) "2007"
A sequel.

3. David Copperfield "1993"
It may be the classic christmas story but there's a catch. All characters are animals, mostly cats and there's a cheese factory which turns workers into cheese monsters. It also features late John Lennon's son, Julian Lennon. Imdb still has wrong cover art with that movie.

4. Naksitrallid "1984"
Made in Estonia in the Soviet times which I think is quite rare. There's a big rat problem in the world and three friends has to do something about it.

5. The Mousehole Cat "1994"
Based on a book by Antonia Barber which based on old Cornish legend about fisherman and his cat. There's big thunderstorm in the Mousehole (there really is a place like that in Cornwall) and people in the Mousehole doesn't have any food because they can't go fishing. Thunderstorm is caused by a storm cat. One fisherman decides to go fishing with his cat even though he might die.
Contains one of the most beautiful and bizarre scenes in the history of animation. Try to buy a DVD from amazon etc. by Grasshopper Productions which is uncut. I did :) You might find it from youtube in two parts, but last time I checked the best part was cutted off.

6. Fuglekrigen i Kanofleskoven (War of the Birds) "1990"
Danish animation about birds fighting against a falcon or eagle. I can't believe that this movie is for kids. When it came from TV in 1993 or so dubbed in Finnish, my parents recorded it which was common at the time and whenever I watched it, I got nightmares. So at some point I didn't want to watch it anymore even though I kind of liked it. There's for example drinking, swearing and some blood. The story is also very disturbing, characters are weird and atmosphere is quite dark and anarchistic.
Be warned.. There's a heavily cutted and uncut version out there. I don't want to spoil anything but just to make sure if you consider to watch this movie, the uncut version contains for example this kind of scene: Sea gull is about to play a piano, then he poops in his wing and uses his own poo as a hair gel. That scene is cutted off in some versions. In my opinion makers might have consumed some funny mushrooms while making this movie.

7. Animal Farm "1954"
Farm animals vs. farmer with corrupt pigs..
Just watch it and maybe you'll get shivers like me.

That's all.. for now.


Before I answer (and I probably never will anyway), what is your reason for wanting to see more of these movies? If your interest is in the blood and violence itself rather than what they represent, you are watching them for the wrong reasons and do not deserve them.


Well.. Some people like love stories, some people like drama, some horror etc. and most people like live-action movies and some people like animated films just because they are animated films which adds the unique experience. The thing is that western animations are mostly aimed for kids and it's very interesting to see animated films which contain even a little bit of violence (usually the story is somewhat dark and not that usual happy crap). It's even more rare to find western animated films made for adults and I don't talk about porn now. It's been different a very long time in Japan where they make anime for adults also which are sometimes extremely violent but the stories are also usually good. In west they just don't make animated movies which contains violence too much. And most people like me, doesn't watch gory movies because they are bloody or violent (sometimes it's interesting to see though just how good those special effects are) but because they really are good.

Anyway you never can't say that someone doesn't deserve to watch something or anything. All people have different reasons: to be afraid, to be disturbed, to be sad.. so people watch them to get experiences. Even if some people watch some movies just because of gore, blood and violence, it's their own reasons and they get something about it. There is also a genre called exploitation, which is only blood, gore, violence and nasty stuff. So.. people watch them to get shocked and that's also an experience.




Bloody cartoons eh? One big one that comes to mind is Hadashi no Gen/Barefoot Gen from 1983 (it also has a sequel that came out three years later). It's based off of a manga/graphic novel that was sort of a retelling of the author's childhood and how he witnessed and survived the atomic bomb drop in Hiroshima, near the end of World War II.

I've heard comparisons between Barefoot Gen and Grave of the Fireflies made, and while the main focus is the same, a child trying to survive the bombings in Japan, there's many differences too. The first I believe would be the purpose of the film. Grave of the Fireflies, which had come out during the cycle of animated movies about nuclear warfare, is meant to be a shaming method to the younger generation in Japan. Japanese youth in about the 80s, were thought of as spoiled and conceited by the generation that had survived the bombings. The older generation saw them as lazy, complacent and uncaring of what had come before them so the older generation of film makers came out with animated movies about the atomic bomb as a way to shame them and say, "See this? This is what we had to endure to give you the luxuries you have today! We struggled while you contribute nothing!" Another film that shares more similarity to Grave of the Fireflies is Twilight of the Cockroaches.

The other difference between Fireflies and Gen is how much more graphic Gen is than Fireflies. Death is talked about, but never really shown in Fireflies. The deaths of certain characters have either taken place prior to the events of the movie or happen off screen. Barefoot Gen on the other hand does not hold back. You see people disintegrating right there on screen. You see a mother attempt to shield her newborn baby in vain as both disintegrate into nothing. You watch as Gen and his mother witness their family burn to death, trapped under the burning beams of their home as the youngest child cries out to his mother, "It's hot! Help me Mommie!" There are clips of it on YouTube so you can watch those if you so choose. It can be very emotionally draining.

If it's been fifteen years or more, it's no longer a spoiler.
