In some countries, it's common to order beer by size, not brand. The brand will be whatever the bar's preferred brand is, when it comes from the tap. You just ask 'big mid-beer', for example, and you get a pint, then you take it, sit down, drink, and ask for another.
In grocery stores, you can freely choose your brand, but in bars, you rarely mention brands when buying beer or whiskey or such.
Cigarettes are not the same, though - I can never understand how someone can just order 'cigarettes', when every cigarette tastes different and your body is used to a specific amount of nicotine and such, so if you get a different amount, the cig is either too mild and not satisfying, or too strong and you can't smoke it without coughing.
Smoking cigarettes is a habit that makes your life more painful than it has to be, though, I don't recommend it.