Well it certainly does leave much to be desired when it comes to any discernable substance, as it were - it´s essentially just a fairly vapid story about the daily inconsequentialities of some aimlessly meandering Chinese (or Hong-Kong´ian, whatever) airheads. Also, the way a wide array of various behavioural quirks these characters indulged in, was foregrounded, at some point started to unpleasently remind me of Jean-Pierre Jeunet´s loathsome hackjob Amelie... but, fortunately, it was ultimately reigned in before it got truly excessive. But, yeah, other than the film´s absolutely phenomenally shot - it´s fancy, flashy and stylistically allover the place, but never feels actually feels insistently showy, incoherent or overbearing for it the way, say, Oliver Stone´s detours on such messy territory invariably end up. There´s always a great sense of pacing and visual rhythm to the visual excesses, and Karwai repeatedly nails the appropriate mood with absolute perfection. All of those flourishes just ´feel´ right - as an example of pure technique, it might even be ´better´ than Tarantino´s Pulp Fiction from the same year... well, `might´. So, yeah, it´s indeed mighty impressive for a story - or stories, the two-act structure, with the movie unapologetically hitching a different ride midway through, also being something that greatly pleases/amuses - that holds little to no weight otherwise. A really entertaining little number to watch. 8-8,5/10.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan