Slow Kiss on the Mouth Revisited
So despite it being his fantasy...I think they could have shown her peck him on the cheek just fine and we could assume he thought it was a big deal.
You can't have her give him a mouth kiss in one scene and disregard all the other times he pictured her naked that's inconsistent and makes the whole "it was his fantasy" defense not work at all.
It shouldn't have happened. It's a taint on this Disney movie and very cringeworthy even for those times plain and simple.
Also to further disprove the "it was artful/it was ok" myth, he didn't even smile or look shocked or surprised after the kiss. He looked sad.
Also "artful" in the sense of portraying sex and sensuality in a indirect way is just a form of softcore porn why even kid ourselves in an age where pornography is so widespread to act like we don't know what porn is and what isn't. A big oversized book in the library with skinny naked women in yogo-like body-bending poses is just as much porn as anything else.