Ah, Nadine. I have a curious reaction to her. In age and appearance (as described in the book), she happens to be a pretty good match for one of my college professors, a stunningly gorgeous woman with a killer body. When I was her student, I desperately wanted to bang her. And -- like Nadine -- she was also a denizen of the dark side. She was a Communist. I don't mean that metaphorically, as a disparaging term for someone who's merely an extreme liberal. I mean it literally. She was an actual Communist Party member, dedicated to destroying the conventional institutions, mainstream culture, traditions, and so on of the USA and installing the Communist Party as the new ruling class.
Now, thirty-odd years later, I look back as ask myself, if she had done to me what Nadine did to Harold, would I have followed her down the dark path? And the answer is obvious. Of course I would have; and I'd probably have pictures of Lenin and Marx hanging in places of honor in my home today. I was an adolescent boy, and of course I would have. Well, I'm glad as hell that never happened. But when I read The Stand and get to that part, I find myself cheering Harold on; what the hell, at the end of the day he's just a fictional character, but at least he got to live out some of my teenage fantasies. ;)
Well, I've blabbed enough now. lol