MovieChat Forums > My So-Called Life (1994) Discussion > Jordan Catalano or Brian Krakow?

Jordan Catalano or Brian Krakow?

Possible spolier alert!

Who do you think Angela would have ended up with?



Jordan and Angela weren't an intellectual match and the relationship would ultimately not survive this. It would be a good thing for both of them though, an experience both could grow from.

Brian would end up maturing later because he was more sheltered than Angela given his own personality. I think timing would have prevented them from developing a relationship.


It's hard to say because they were all really immature high schoolers. Neither Brian or Jordan were perfect, but I think Brian was more capable of change than Jordan. I think Brian simply needed to experience things more. I think Jordan tried at moments, but ultimately, I don't think he could have been much more than what he was..which was a jerk.

I think what could have happened was Angela and Jordan would have tried dating again, but she would have realized how strained her relationship with Rayanne was. As much as Rayanne was a complete jackass for doing that, I think it would have been part of the reason they would break up again. That, and I think she would have gotten tired of him being not the brightest bulb and would have turned to Krakow. I don't think they would have ever had sex either and I also think this realization would also have helped her to want to be friends with Rayanne again (as stupid as that would be, but Angela did some stupid things). Then she would have started to have feelings for Krakow, but my guess is that another person completely would come into the picture. Maybe a new guy at the school or something, and once again Krakow would have been left in the dust. I think the new guy would probably have been a bigger threat than Jordan was, because maybe he'd be more on Brian's level. Brian would once again decide to forget about her and maybe something would happen with Sharon. I think Brian and Sharon would have ended up dating, leaving Angela feeling jealous and weird about it. Then Angela would have broken up with new guy (for one reason or another) and then would have been single without anyone. Then she would have been jealous and constantly wondering if Sharon and Brian were having sex, making it difficult to still be friends with them or around them. But I think Sharon and Brian would have amicably broken up after a short period of time. From there on, I'm not sure what would happen, but I think between being in his first relationship and maybe a few other things, Brian would have opened up a little more and been a little less hostile, making it easier for Angela and him to talk and eventually date (but probably not stay together forever).
I could also see Jordan showing up once in awhile.

I obviously have thought about this for far too long.



Yeah, I think it would have happened for pure dramatic reasons.


Well the end definitely led us to believe that season 2 would have been the season where Angela chooses Brian over Jordan, but pretending that the show kept going I would guess that she would end up with Jordan. He would go through the standard transitions and grow up to be the boyfriend that Angela wanted him to be.

In reality she would have kept Jordan as a boyfriend, and Brian as a friend/secret admirer/ego booster.

Hey Linda..........You're a bitch!


I see how everyone says Brian mainly because he was intelligent, he's been around for years, he and Angela were always fighting and it could turn into passion and all of that however I don't think she would have ended up with either one of them to be honest.

Yes, we know that Brian wrote that lovely letter to her even though she wanted it to be from Jordan. I think that's one hint right there, there will always be this imaginary pull to him no matter what happened, they broke up and she was always there even when he acted aloof and pulled away. Jordan had no consistency in his life so Angela was confusing to him and I think he was intrigued and wanted to be better because of her and even possibly for her. I never saw him as a "bad boy" but an "alone loner" type. He's just always been alone.

Brian was always there and I think Angela would have thought about him because of the letter and possibly they might have gone out once or twice but that would blow over. I actually thought he was a better match for Sharon, especially considering he wasn't very consistent with his stuff either. I actually didn't like him that much.

I actually think she might have grown up and always have a deep love for Jordan and a love for Brian that was more like a respect type thing but never marrying either one. What I thought was interesting was how people like to parallel Angela/Patty and Brian/Graham but in the episode when she was having her dreams about him, Graham and Jordan were the ones who did the same thing. *shrugs* I dunno, just thought that was interesting. Plus, I wouldn't have believed Angela/Brian, it would have been forced, because they didn't have romantic chemistry.
