MovieChat Forums > My So-Called Life (1994) Discussion > Confess! Ever done something to be/look ...

Confess! Ever done something to be/look like Angela?

I'd love to know what you have done to be like Angela even if it's something little! Or what WOULD you do if you could!

Because I'm a guy I'm very limited, so the only things I've been able to do is...

1-Wear two simple gold hoop earrings like Angela does.

2-I use a red toothbrush like Angela does LOL.

3-I have a patchwork bed spread like Angela too!

4-I spray myself with the perfume "Jovan musk" because it's such a classic 90's perfume that most mothers used and bought for their daughters that it's a perfume I think Angela would have worn that Patty would have bought for her! It reminds me of Angela and it's how I think she would smell.

If I was a girl I'd be able to cut and colour my hair the same as Angela's and dress like her too but being a guy I can only do so much to feel like Angela!

What about you?


Back in 95 when it was first aired in the u.k i was so addicted to it....i was angela!.....or at least wanted to be her. So i.....

1. Dyed my hair red/ got the shoulder lenghth bob hair do!
2. Purchased various checky shirts!
3. Fell in love with a guy i had less than zero chance of getting with...ha
4. I know that i did more....let me think....


LOL I love it! You're so lucky you got to have that hair and the shirts too! What did you friends and family say? Did they know why you were doing it all?


Well i forgot to say i also went through the whole "lately i can't look at my mother without wanting to stab her repeatedly" phase!.....ha ha.
I think they were a tad shocked to say the least, but i locked myself in my bedroom listening to the cranberries and refused to come out!.
Just to let you know im thankfully out of that stage now....which is good considering im 33yrs old!


Baaaaaaaaa ha ha how funny! Too bad your mother had to have that happen to her though ha ha!
I love "The cranberries" and think of Angela and her life every time I hear "Dreams" LOL!
Do you ever think of having that old hair cut and colour back? LOL


oh hunny im still red/brown!!! but the hair is much longer now.....No matter how old i get i think i will always have a bit of the rebel spirit of Angela Chase in me.


I love that (Both your hair and quote)! RIGHT ON!


Cheers hun, great question by the way!


You're very welcome! And thanks...I've asked A LOT of questions on this board and there's always a two faced bitch who has a go at me for my question/questions so thanks for saying that!
I remember seeing an episode or two of MSCL in 2000 for the first time (I was in year 11) because I didn't see the show in 1994 when it was shown in Australia! But I got the DVD box set only last year in August so that's when I fell in love with it so it's still fresh in my heart and soul but for the other fans who have been there from day one, they must hate my questions but I guess I'm still a newbie to the show so I wanna know so much and ask a lot of questions that old fans have already answered over the years!


Hey thats what these boards are for hun!
Talking to people from all over the globe, asking questions and having discussions about the things that people have a mutual interest in.
I personally think your questions are fab, and more to the point they get a discussion going.....thats what its all about.
I think the fact that you have discovered mscl and are loving it as much as i did when i first watched it is great too (i was 15 when i first watched it)
As for the little bitches who have a go at ya.....well they have to do summit with their sad little lives!
You keep on posting away, cos im lovin you and your questions!!!!!!!


Can't say enough how sweet that was!!!
I was only 9 when MSCL first came out LOL.
What part of the world were you in when you first saw it at 15?


I dyed my hair red as a combo of wanting to be Angela Chase/Miki from Lush and Tori Amos!
I think I started to talk a bit like her albeit with an English accent as I'm in the UK. I've had red hair on and off ever since... I'm 35 this year :)

Great question!

I ate the fuzzy certs.
They tasted like keys.


Hey ya Jenny! Thanks for liking the question!
I have long hair but it's curly so I could only colour it red but not get the bob otherwise I'd have to use a hair straightener everyday LOL, don't wanna do that! I guess I could pull off the "Curt cobain" red hair/messy bob look but that's not what Angela's hair looks like ha ha ha!



Im from the u.k, when it first aired i had never seen any other show like it, i was addicted instantly.......still am in fact!
Last night my 2yr old was in bed, my partner was down stairs watchin t.v, and here i am in my room having a bed picnic watching mscl...ha ha.
where are you?


Hey, loving this thread. I just caught a few MSCL episodes on the Sundance channel and came here to see who was posting. I was ifteen when this came on, and the show evokes such strong memories of that time in my life. I cut my hair in a bob and started tying flannel shirts around my waist haha. At the time I found her parents SO annoying, and now as an adult and parent, I completely identify with Patty Chase and her overbearing, overly concerned ways. My friends and I loved it! They dyed their hair red with Kool Aid but I didn't have the nerve to go that far. What was your favorite episode...?


Hey there Mspeaches731! So happy you're liking this thread...I'm surprised no-ones asked this question before! Maybe they felt embarrassed about it but NOT ME! LOL
YOU HAD THE HAIR!!! SO LUCKY!!! Do you have any pictures of you with the hair cut? We should all have a thread of us sharing pics of looking like Angela LOL or other charcters depending on who's fave was who!

I was looking at some highschool pics my sister was tagged in on facebook back in 1994 when she was about 14/15 and her friends had on jeans, black boots and flannel shirts...was so cool to see, I miss 90's fashion so much!

My fave episode would have to be "The pilot" and then "The zit"...both of them I can watch over and over! What about you?


OMG you were watching it last night dazmc5-2? So cool...what episodes did you see?
I'm a Claire danes fan but being only 9 when it came out, I was too young so the first thing I saw her in was "Romeo and Juliet" (I had seen my mum and sister watching "Little women" a couple of times but I never took notice of that movie so I didn't know Claire was it in)!

Over the years I've seen her movies and then last year read that she was in this 1994 show called "My so-called life" so I bought the DVD box set after reading she was the main character and loved it before the first episode even finished! I really love the pilot episode and her acting is really great at only 13 years old! Plus I then started to love everything else like all the other characters and the storylines and the fashion and then wanting to BE Angela so that's how I knew the show ended up in my heart before it was even finished!

I'm in your brother land, Australia LOL...we're basically family us uk's and aussies LOL!


Hi mark my little Aussie bro! lol, and hi everyone else!
There's some great comments starting to come in off people!
Yeah im watching the whole boxset again, cos i just luuuvvv it.
Regarding your suggestion about posting pics of ourselves in our " mscl phase " well.......Arrrggghhhh!!! mine would have to be posted on the horror
It's so hard choosing a fav episode cos i love them all. But if i had to...

1) The pilot. Cos it sets the tone and draws you in, making you crave more.

2) The zit. It's just great!

3) Self-Esteem. Cos of course the ending is just wonderful, but that episode has one of my fav lines in it. When rikki is talking to mr katimski, and he says " Nobody should hate who they are ". It makes me so emotional to think those few words spoken have such a massive meaning. That part makes my heart ache everytime i hear it.

Ohhhh im getting all soppy now....ha ha. suzie xx


LOL Suzie, now my big uk sis!

Your fave eps are the same as mine, WOO HOO!

I also really love "Weekend"! I saw life through Danielle's eyes when I was younger because I was the youngest with my older brother and sister (Brother being 5 years older and my sister being 4 years older) and I wanted to hang out with them and their friends and I thought they were so cool but was always told to leave the room like poor Danielle so I relate a lot to her in that episode!

And of course I'll admit to watching the opening to "Betrayal" all the time just to see Angela dance around in her bedroom ha ha!

I started my own marathon a couple of days ago and am onto episode "Why Jordan can't read"!


I love the weekend episode too!!
It's funny cos i have 2 older sisters ( one 5yrs older & one 3yrs older). I felt exactly like poor Danielle did growing up. Both sisters were always together doing things and going places, but they never let me join in no matter how much i bugged them lol.
Im just this second starting on the last episode, which is always a bummer cos i know in 45mins thats more mscl.
Ooohhhhh well, i guess i will just have to start watching from the beginning again!! ha!


LMAO OMG that's too funny we both have two older siblings!
I hate watching the last episode, especially when Angela still gets in the car with Jordan and drives off "It's OVEEEEEEEEEER" *Crys*!
I was going to wait until August and play each episode once a week on the same date they were aired but there's no way I can wait a whole week to see each episode let alone wait until damn August to see the pilot LOL!


I was 26 when the showed aired and I loved it. In high school I was more like Rayanne as far as style but personality wise I was a little more Angela. I wasn't shy like Angela at all but I wasn't wild like Rayanne.
I was sort of a combination of the two. Dressed like Rayanne and not shy but not wild. I had some of the innocence of Angela.


OMG latebar7609 you have just made me remember a Rayanne phase i had.
I did the whole Angela red hair thing, but also a little while after i tried the Rayanne blonde streak hair thing!!!
I remember i had no clue how to bleach it, and could not afford real hair dye. So in the end i found a tube of ladies upper lip bleach LOL. So i smeared it on in the same place as Rayannes and covered it in kitchen foil, it took about 3 hours to develop. The end result was well......a horrible orangy mess lol.
God this thread is like memory lane, things that had left my memory are just starting to flood luvin it!!

Oh mark, dont do it bro! you will start to get mscl withdrawal symptoms if you try and wait till August!! Dont be getting me all worried about ya hun, i cant afford a plane ticket to see if your ok!!.....ha ha!!


LMAO no way could I wait till then...that's why I started my marathon last week! You have nothing to worry about, as soon as I finish the series I go about a month or at least two weeks and then watch it all over again LOL!

Speaking of Rayanne's blond streak...such a massive 90's fashion trend huh? My sister did that and guess what? Even I had a blond streak through my fringe (That's Bangs to the Americans LOL).
This thread really IS making us all remember such great things from the 90's!



Change UK to Philippines, and all of these applied to me. :)


Oooh yeah - in 1999, I was 13 and caught the re-runs of MSCL on tv ... that year I got a bob, died my hair with Manic Panic ("Fire Engine Red") and filled my closet with flannel plaid shirts


Junior year of high school (6 years ago!)a friend and I relived our childhood and rewatched it. We wondered why nobody wore flannel anymore like they used to. We bought all the flannel we could find at Goodwill and literally wore them everyday.
My closet is still full of all of my old flannels that I hardly wear, but now "hipsters" mainly wear them.

I might be a little young, but honey I ain't naive


I love that! Did anyone comment on the flannel shirts?


Nothing :/ I like to believe we were the trendsetters that brought forth flannel again. However, we wore ours unbuttoned, and alot of people wear there's buttoned now. So 90's.

I might be a little young, but honey I ain't naive


YES! You wore them open, SO 90's! The way it should be :-D good for you!


Today I remembered to go to a jewellery store, and buy simple, gold earrings (Depending on what country you're in depends on what you call them, in Aus we call them sleepers)that we see Angela wear in every episode! And she's wearing them on the front cover of the 6 disc DVD box set...


I dyed my hair red in high school. Of course, black-to-red didn't have as much effect as blonde-to red.

I also wore Doc Martens. And I have started to again.


Oddly enough right before the show came out when I was 12, My mom let me lighten my dark hair (I was trying to be blonde) but it came out red like Angela's and I cut it to my shoulders. One day while out with my mom a woman stopped us and was gushing about how she loved my hair and that I looked just like that girl on that new show. So my mom and I checked out the show and loved it. I started wearing dresses like Angela wore,and my best friend at the time did her hair like RayAnnes. People in our 7th grade gave us crap about it but we didn't care:) Eventually I got sick of the "Angela" look especially since her character was annoying to me at that age I was more of a RayAnne so I bleached my hair blonde and put crazy colored streaks in it and my best friend and I would fight over a flannel shirt that was exactly like one RayAnne would often wear..Ahh the good old days lol


I was two years old when the show came out, so needless to say I didn't see the show until awhile after it aired. I watched it for the first time as a teenager, and it was like meeting my soul mate. I AM Angela, it's really freaky. Minus the plaid.

But going to your topic, I have a deep connection and affection for the character of Angela and Claire Danes. I didn't necessarily do anything to look like her, but I would think to myself like "what would Angela do?" frequently.


I, myself, STILL ask myself that! I seem to want to know what Angela would do in many of my situations because I like the way she handles things....unlike myself, because I can often get too angry and say something I'll regret and I like that Angela is very silent and keeps to I wonder what her reaction would be!


I related to Angela because I was the quiet, introspective "good girl" who always hung out with people who were much wilder than me. I never dated a Jordan Catilano though. But I would have loved to back then! (Not so much now.)
