Was Wanda a lesbian?
She always seemed SUPER Butch to me.
"Come you weasley Wimps!" And she was always the first to jump into action, and had such a can-do Rosie the Riveteer attitude. And we all know how big a lesbian Rosie was.
She always seemed SUPER Butch to me.
"Come you weasley Wimps!" And she was always the first to jump into action, and had such a can-do Rosie the Riveteer attitude. And we all know how big a lesbian Rosie was.
So, a can-do attitude makes a woman a lesbian? All I can say is I hope they have indoor plumbing in whatever century you're living in.
Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.
Well the Rosie reference only gives 2 options to his century, you comic genius.
Also, yes it does make a woman a lesbian.
Um, these are children. What makes them even straight?
Why are adults (presumably) pondering over the sexual desires of children? Whether you decide she's a lesbian or not (nothing wrong with it) it certainly does make you two "creeps" for thinking about it.
And over cartoons, no less. Drawn characters written by a team of people.
ps. Edit: Smart kids were the norm in my school. If you know anything about smart kids, they get pushy and bossy sometimes in academic projects. I am just going to assume there are a couple people here who've never been integrated into a smart kids education, let alone actually have been a smart kid themselves.
She does seem a bit butch in retrospect.
Considering she had a thing for Arnold, I'd say "no." You don't have to be a lesbian to be a feisty, action-girl.
shareNo, she's just tomboyish and adventurous.