Proof that the creators of "Friends" were racist...
- "Living Single," an African American-based sitcom that premiered in 1993 and followed the personal and professional lives of six 20 to 30-something-year-old friends living in Brooklyn, ran for five years and produced 118 episodes.
- "Friends"," a Caucasian-based sitcom that premiered in 1994 and followed the personal and professional lives of six 20 to 30-something-year-old friends living in Manhattan, ran for 10 years and produced 236 episodes.
118 multiplied by 2 is 236. Therefore, the producers of "Friends" are not only plagiarists, but they deliberately ended the series as soon as it reached double the amount of episodes that "Living Single" produced, in an effort to rub it in their (producers of "Living Single") faces.
Talk about a low blow! SMH