MovieChat Forums > Friends (1994) Discussion > Delete your post Friends style

Delete your post Friends style

I thought this would be a fun game that could help get this board going. We had a thread like this on the IMDb board once, which was pretty funny, but it reached the size limit and expired. I don't think this site has a size/time limit. So let's have another one here!

I'll start. This post has been deleted because it was ON A BREAK!


This post was deleted because this parachute was a knapsack.


This post was deleted because there is something fundamentally unmarriable about it.


This post was deleted because it got a part in a movie as Al Pacino's butt double.


This post was deleted because it had niffles on its heaving beasts. And you should have seen its huge throbbing pens!


This post has been deleted because it was the holiday armadillo.


This post was deleted because it has the spirit of an old Indian woman living in its ceiling.


This post was deleted by Robocop because he didn't like being compared to Jane Eyre.


This post was deleted because it failed to stop the Q-Tip when there was resistance.


I was just about to post this one. :P
