How old?

How old ru people who love due south? Coz I'm a teenager and I love it!!But my friends think I'm weird and a teen shouldn't be watching it so just wondering what every1 else thinks


I'm 22. I only just bought Due South Season 1 on dvd last week because it only just became available here in Australia. I haven't watched the show since it first aired on TV here (which was quite some time ago).

I try to watch an episode or two of the dvd whenever I get a chance, but now that I'm halfway through Season 1 and don't know when/if Season 2 will ever become available here, I'm trying to stretch out the episodes (so that I don't work my way through them too quickly and then find myself with no Due South to watch).

Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"



Yeah due south is one of the best things out there, period. Its got real heart and humor. It just rocks. I'm 21 by the way, lol.


Im 18, my siblings think im odd because i would never miss an episode of the reruns

Sho: I thought he was a turkey, I swear to god!!!!!!


i am 21, started watching it when i was 10.

What is my bidding my lord? - Darth Vader



I am 15 I always loved DUE SOUTH but due to it being shown during my lunch I always see half of the episode and the show also reminds me of being a little kid and I don't know why.

B-movies fear me


Okay, first of all, age shouldn't matter. You like what you like, and the fact you like this makes you cool, at least in my book. I bet you like Princess Bride, too (or would, if you haven't seen it yet). Anyway, I watched this show a few times when it first aired and I liked it-- I was 14/15 then. Unfortunately, we got really poor reception for our CBS station. When it came in at all, it only came in my parents' bedroom and my Dad almost never let me use his tv. It wasn't until I went to college and got cable that I really fell in love. My roommate and I watched the TNT reruns every night, and I taped every episode. I was 18 at the time, I'm 26 now, and I still love it.


I was like 14 when i first saw it... I loved it! :D (Still do)


Im 17 and I love due south it fantastic and some of my friends though I was weird 2 but then I think some of the things they watch are weird


I am going to be 24 years old in a couple of months, I watched the series with my parents during it's original run in the US


wow thanks everyone who replied it made me feel so much better

On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese.........


i'm 23 now and 11 when i first started watching it.
love it still just bought the full three series on dvd and i am going to have a marathon due south weekend soon can't wait!

oh and Paul Gross is still hot!


Well I'm 20 this year, so I must of been around nine or ten when I started to watch it.

87 hours is an eternity. The cosmos was created in less time.


I was 7 or 8 back when Due South first came out... the first time I learned the lyrics to the song "Que sera, sera" was from that eppy with the Canadian consulate's daughter! Plus, I was in love with Benton (and Michael from Nikita!)

Now I'm 19 and watching the show on TVtropolis (like all you other Canadians) and I'm finding it a lot more humorous than I remembered, especially the ones with Leslie Neilson--I can't count the times I cracked up yesterday watching the "All the Queen's Horses" episode. Due South is great, and Benton is so much sexier than my other favorite TV character, Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks :)

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Well, I'm currently 14, which makes me a bit younger than anyone else. My parents watched it when it was playing originally, but my dad introduced me to it on DVD when I was 10 or so.

To live would be an awfully big adventure...
-Peter Pan
