MovieChat Forums > Due South (1994) Discussion > david marchiano or callum keith rennie-w...

david marchiano or callum keith rennie-who is your favourite?

i love the due south episodes-i dont know who`s better:marchiano or rennie!
they are different characters, they both have their problems with the mounty(who wouldn`t..)-whitch detectiv do you like more?

to be or not to be


I started watching in the first season and loved Ray V. and Fraser together...and I was disappointed enough with the third season (with Ray K.) that I just listened to most of the episodes instead of watched them. By "Mountie on the Bounty," I started becoming fond of Ray K., and "Call of the Wild" made me decide that it was better for Fraser to stay with Ray K. than Ray V.

So...whichever is better depends of what part of the series I'm thinking of. Ray V. (David Marciano) was great for the first two seasons and Ray K. (Callum Keith Rennie) was great for the last two seasons.


David Marchiano or Callum Keith-Rennie? Let's see. I loved David Marchiano's attitude in the series. He acted more like a Yank (the only actual Yank in the series). The only thing that I didn't like was that he had that strong New York accent which was never explained after his character having lived his whole life in Chicagoland. It wasn't believable.

Callum Keith Rennie had more of the mid-western accent that you would expect from someone who lived in that area (although I hear he grew up in BC). I also loved his tattoo and some of his sayings like, "Hey, you don't crush your sister's smokes."

I agree with everyone here, that they both brought their own characters to the party and enhanced the show.


Yes I loved both as well. The previous posters have explained it all very well.


I liked both. Don't know about a favourite though. It depends which series I'm watching.

My Jennifer Esposito Group:


I think Rennie was either miscast, or at least should have had voice lessons. He has such a thick Canadian accent! He can't be a Kowalski. He's even said "eh" in a few episodes. Because of this, I think season 3 lost the charm that previous ones did to poke fun of Americans vs Canadians. Also, aren't Chicago accents similar to New York ones? They're both cities with a big Italian population.


Actually, the whole "Chicagah" accent that Kowalski is such a misnomer, Chicagoans laugh at it. This Bill Swersky Superfan "Da Bearrrrssssss" thing is virtually non-existent. Having spent my life there, I think I encountered one-count 'em one person who actually spoke like that, and I must admit I was shocked that it wasn't in fact a faked dialect.

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who speaks like that if you spent a week, or even a month there.


I think David Marchiano was the definitive Ray Vecchio, He was a better actor, more convinceing in the role as the agressor to Bentons straight laced character, and had a better on screen rappore with Paul Gross. His New York accent only seemed to add to this equasion, not subtract. And made it all the more believeable. The 3rd series, in my oppinion, was a waste of time and money.


Personaly while I love both characters I think I like Ray K the most.

Fraiser had 2 different relationships with both. Him and Ray V where best friends. He and Ray K where partners

I'm not crazy, I just do what the voices inside my head tells me to do


Every1 knows David Marchiano was by far the best. Personally I only watch the first 2 seasons when he's in it. It just doesn't seem right with a different Ray.


cjay i agree callum is so sexy didnt think so until i saw him in the bit with brothers in arms playing when they were behind the trees
yes please


I agree with tribblesgalore, David Marciano was the best Ray Vecchio, no contest!!!!


Definitely David. I watched it from the beginning so David is and always will be Ray to me.


I like both of them because they are so different. I prefer CKR as an actor but both their characters interacted well with Fraser. It wasn't as if Ray K was trying to be Ray V so it worked, and I loved that they brought David back for the final episodes. Although I didn't particularly like the ending, having Ray V back wrapped things up nicely.


I personally liked Ray the First better than Ray the Second. Ray the Second was too snarky and hostile towards Fraser for my taste; I mean, they're supposed to be friends! Ray the First teased Fraser, but he always seemed to be doing it in an affectionate, shaking-his-head sort of way, not a "God, you're such an IDIOT!" way. But that's just my opinion.

(Ray the Second WAS way hotter, though...)

Remember what this world is made of: "LOVE & PEACE!!!" ^_^


When I started watching the show, i got really attatched to the first Ray. I must admit that I was a bit heart broken when David Marciano left the show after the 2nd season. He was hysterical. And I loved his temper.. esp when he got pissed off with 'Benny'. Though Callum Keith Rennie is an awsome actor and played a great character, I still think that nobody beats the origonal Det. Ray Vecchio. I love it though when they met face-to-face in the last episode.

There are no stupid questions... just stupid people :-P


David M. will always be my favorite Ray, but then I'm resistant to change. I thought he just shined next to Ben, and anyone who can take my focus away from P.G. (even for an instant)is a man to be reckoned with.
Don't get me wrong, RayK was good, but I think the chemistry between Paul and David was better, I could really believe they were friends who would take bullets for each other. The friendship between Ben and RayK. always seemed a bit hostile, a bit forced, which I suppose is natural given their situation. Still...

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


Callum Keith Rennie was wonderful eyecandy and a good actor to follow in Marciano's shoes.
However, he's not Marciano and some of the Due South magic was gone because we didn't have the banter between Ray (1) and Frasier.

Being the truth doesn't make it a fact, but being fiction doesnt make it a lie.


Love your sig, crispy...

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


Really, any show where you replace the actor of a major character changes the whole dynamic of the show (ex. THE TWO DARRENS...even though I don't watch Bewitched, but ANYWAY...or New Coke and Coke Classic, even though I only remember Classic....)

David M. pulled off Vecchio in the most natural way possible when it came to dialogue, pronunciation, yada yada yada...but for ME anyway, he just...didn't do much. Callum on the other hand was dead sexy. DEAD SEXY. And a fabulous actor (if you need further proof and can get your hands on it, I recommend the indie film "Falling Angels").But because he wasn't David M. he catches alot of flack. *shrugs* He was replacement Ray, but they both had an equal run and in the end they were both FREAKIN' AWESOME.

End Transmission


David Marciano was by far the better Ray. His character worked much better against Frasier's fish out of water. And, am I the only one who thought he was sexier than Callum Keith Rennie?


No you are not, I thought David was adorable!!!


I have just watched seasons one and two and am currently watching season three, I have to say I think the first two are better mainly because David was so good as Ray, and the relationship between Fraser and Ray was quite touching. I also think the writing was better in the first two series. Having said that I love them all and can't wait to get on to season four as I haven't seen that in a long time.


I'm not keen on blond, so David is more my type, plus he has gorgeous eyes..

Anyway, Ray V was the original, and is therefore my favourite. David Marciano is just so brilliant!! With Callum Keith Rennie, I get the impression he could have been better, it's just the script didn't make so much of Ray K as a character as much as it did with Ray V. I never watched as many of the Ray K episodes, so maybe I missed something, but certainly at the beginning he wasn't that interesting to me (which is why I didn't watch so many of those episodes).

The other day my mum watched an episode with me and, after I'd explained about the 'new Ray' she said, "Well, he's certainly better looking, but not as charismatic is he?" Much as I hate to admit it, I do agree with her. [Bless her, but she then thought that Stella was the new Francesca!]

---> Ok, I've just watched The Ladies' Man and it was easily the best episode with Ray K, and indeed one of the best episodes of due South ever! I wish there were more episodes like this; as I suspected, Callum always had such a performance in him but he just needed the right story to bring it out.

Maybe if they had made another series with Ray K we'd have got more episodes of this calibre; (much as I love DM) Ray V was not that great in the beginning, and it took a bit of time to work up to episodes with real depth. He's still my favourite, but I'm really starting to appreciate CKR.

If a customer doesn't have a smile on their face, give them one of yours. 'Scalpel, anyone?'




One, let me just say, this is one of my top two shows of all time! Paul Gross is absolutely yummy! But, I'm still not sure about the Rays. David was great, of course, but I feel that Callum made the character a little more human. Plus, HE never shot Fraser. Punched him, yeah, but never shot him! Anyway, I love them both. Guess I'm fickle, huh?


I can't choose. I was so familiar with and loved Vecchio so at first I didn't know what to think of this Kowalski. On the other hand, Callum made one of the best entrances I've ever seen on tv. That whole episode was hilarious.

All I want now is that the whole series would be shown on tv again.


I never liked Due South after David Marciano left and I definitely never liked the second Ray - sorry but I will only watch the episodes with Ray Vecchio!

So does that answer your question?

It's Marciano/ Ray V for me!
