MovieChat Forums > Sleepless in Seattle (1993) Discussion > Sam didn't need to date anyone!

Sam didn't need to date anyone!

Spoilers. If you still haven't seen this, where have you been?!!!!

Sam's friends as well as that annoying radio psychologist at the beginning believe the false philosophy that a person who loses a loved one cannot move on until they start dating again.

Sam had already moved on, he was taking good care of his son, he was working, he wasn't depressed, he obviously still missed his wife, but overall he had already moved on for the reasons just mentioned.

Near the very end of the Movie Sam even says to his son that they were fine with just the two of them in the grand scheme of things, they are doing just fine with each other, there's no reason to go to drastic measures.

It was nice that he found Annie at the end, but all in all Sam was fine not dating anyone, he was strong, he had his friends, his son, his home and a job, it was everyone else who was trying to brainwash him into finding a new wife.

It's good for a kid to have 2 parents, but if that doesn't happen it isn't the end of the child's life, there are plenty of happy single parent families, a new wife and mother is not going to replace the previous one, and there's more to life than relationships.



It just aired on tv and I have never seen it before. I could not watch until the end for how much I try, I just can't stand these kind of movies.
But one thing I reacted on was the fact that they asked him- it's been 1 1/2 years why have you not dated anyone yet?----I was like..are you kidding me? The man just lost his wife, and 1 1/2 years is NOTHING. Why the freaking rush to date again? He did not feel like he wanted or needed to, it almost felt like he was forced although he seemed fine as he was then.

"I'd like to keep Spike as my pet"- Illyria, Angel S. 5


He was depressed though. The opening scenes showed that he had to leave Chicago because the city kept reminding him of his wife. His coworkers were giving him cards and such because they felt he was downcast all the time.

I'm not sure he was taking good care of his son. His son's behavior was questionable. The boy wasn't listening to him, he answered back a lot, he went all the way to NY alone, he was rude to Sam's girlfriend etc.

You could make a viable case that, by himself, he was struggling to rear Jonah.
