
So why doesn't Annie just wait to see if Sam comes down on the elevator instead of making the poor guy go against the rules and let her go up?


Because you wouldn't have the sparkling nyc skyline as the backdrop for the movies climactic romantic scene...:-)


It's called, creating movie magic with the right setting. The top of the Empire State Building creates movie magic. The lobby does not.


You wanna talk logic? The worst lapse in logic was Sam's failure to call the NYPD from Seattle and tell them his son was on the loose in New York City, possibly at the Empire State Building.

Of course, then there'd be no meeting of Sam and Annie because the cops would have found Jonah and taken him to the station house, or maybe a foster home, to wait until Sam arrived. Then father and son would have flown straight back to Seattle without ever going to the Empire State Building.


Thank you! That has always bugged the CRAP outta me! If a man finds out his son just got on the plane to NYC, the first thing he does is call the police and then the airline to hold onto his kid at the airport. They could have written that into plot ? with Jonah figuring out a way to escape the authorities at the airport and still go to the Empire State Building.


Obviously her plan, if he wasn't up there, was to jump. I mean, she'd already blown it with her runner-up.



Because her waiting in the lobby is not as exciting as breaking the rules and meeting at the top of the Empire State Building!

She might have been excited and didn't want to wait?

The letter indicated that she would meet them at the top, not in the lobby; so she probably didn't want to be considered a flake or an unreliable person?

Perhaps she imagined that they were waiting for her up there, so she didn't want to keep them waiting?

Perhaps she just had an intuitive feeling that they were up there, and her chances of a romantic meeting were better on the top floor than down in the lobby?
