MovieChat Forums > Six Degrees of Separation (1993) Discussion > So...just why DID Rick commit suicide?

So...just why DID Rick commit suicide?

As far as I can remember, it was never satisfactorily explained. Was it due to shame from having been sucked off by Paul? That could be, but who hasn't been sucked off by a dude? Was it because he lent Paul some money that he's never going to get back? I can't see offing yourself over a few hundred bucks....Was it because his girlfriend went ballistic on him for the aforementioned events?

I just can't see how any of the situations presented in the film would logically lead Rick to commit such a desperate act.

Thoughts anyone?


He felt guilty in regards to giving all of his and Elizabeth's money to Paul without her consent. He also used that money on himself and Paul, remember?


Rick killed himself because Paul was gone.

Paul was this amazing force that came into his life and got him to do new things and then he was gone and it left a painful vacuum.

Look at how Rick chased Paul when he left the carriage. He never found him and he sat down DEVASTATED. At home he told his girlfriend about the sex matter of factly. He wasn't concerned about some gay sex... he was concerned someone could turn him inside out and leave. Paul was that powerful. This movie is about the intersection of lives (six degrees) and how people impact each other.

Paul was mesmerizing -- look how Louisa kept dreaming about him and could not get him out of her head.

He was a spell caster, and Rick was bewitched and then he lost everything -- his money, his girl, and most of all PAUL.

I'm shocked I have to come in here and state that.


Thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself.

