If you could fight one Sandlotter?
I would love a swing at Squints!
shareI wouild have loved to beat up Squints too, after hearing those wicked laughs after him seeing how Smalls could not throw.
shareyah yah would be pretty easy to beat up i think. And he can get annoying
shareI would rather not punch children.... but if i had to i would punch smalls for letting the dog get out from the fence. (It Could Have Eaten Him!!!!)
shareI would love to Indian leg wrestle with Smalls Mom.
sharei can never remember his name but that one stupid kid who is always repeating other people's words.
ville valo is one of the best things on this planet. HIM is the best
I've always hated Squints, and im glad im not the only one on this forum that does. He may have looked like a innocent underdog character, but he was really a complete douchebag. I've always wanted to somersault kick that kid over the fence and into Hercules' backyard.
i agree w. whoever said that theyd want to beat up tommy (repeat kid).
Beat up Squints and then take his girl, Wendy Peffercorn.
Are you not entertained? *Are* you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?
I would fight Benny the Jet, rip off his clothes while I'm at it, and somehow turn it into intercourse. Ooooh yeah ;)
shareWell, you are a bit more descriptive and graphic (that's a compliment :D ), but my brain instantly went there, too; my first thought was the adult version of Benny so we could kiss and make up.
And as Jerry, Kramer and George all can attest, make up sex after an argument is the absolute best.
So, when sheep are electrocuted, does it straighten their hair?
I would have fought ham who the hell is he to call bambi a wimpy deer!? clearly he did not see the second half of that movie
When you got to shoot,shoot. Don't talk.-Tuco
I would have fought ham who the hell is he to call bambi a wimpy deer!? clearly he did not see the second half of that movie
Good thinking. I'd fight squints let Wendy join us
No respect you make me sick!! You give a aspirin a headache!!!
You are all about to change your answers.
He was easily the most annoying. I was pretty fond of everyone else.
1) squints - love to smack him right in the nose and watch his face chew up his glasses, then I would love to take Wendy peffercorn and wine dine and 69 her...
2) the other geeky tall lanky cock with glasses.... I WOULD SMACK HIM BACK TO THE 60's reminds me of a kid who used to try to be loved in our group growing up
Benny of course, just so I could prove myself by beating the toughest of them. Of course, I would have most likely lost
Very good. But brick not hit back!share