MovieChat Forums > The Pelican Brief (1993) Discussion > Denzel's position on white women is stup...

Denzel's position on white women is stupid

There are a ton of movies that show black men and black women being intimate on the screen, including sex scenes. It's absolutely pointless for Denzel to compromise the source material of a movie (whether his shunning of white women prompted the script change I do not know) because he thinks that he's doing a disservice to his brothers and sisters by being intimate with white women. Talk about a backwards mentality.

Does his still harbor these ridiculous sentiments?

By the way, I've seen cliched statements here saying that white people still have a "problem" with black men dating or marrying white women. What is the evidence for this? The only people I hear or see screeching on about this issue are black women.


Denzel has addressed that rumor on several occasions. He said he NEVER said that. and I have heard many people Latino, Black and White that don't like interracial relationships.



It wasn't Denzel's fault. Hollywood doesn't allow leading black men to hook up with top rated white actresses on screen. Its quite ridiculous.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.



I'll never forget the look on my conservative uncle's face when my mom mentioned her sister's(his wife) old boyfriend that was black.

LMAO. it was priceless


A lot of accusations but no one here is providing any actual proof that he said that...
