The first time i saw that scene when all the pamphlets fall out of the magazine that Emilio's reading and form a big mound around his feet made me laugh so hard. What was your favourite scene from the movie? I also loved the bit when samuel l. jackson and emilio are investigating the house when the people were murdered and emilio gets attacked by the dog...classic..
Or the bit where they're at the office, and a woman's describing a man, and a cop makes this really funny face mould. Then later you can see them arresting a guy in a costume wearing the same head, lol.
Yeah that's a good one, I think it's Mr. Potato Head whom they're arresting. I like the scene where Samuel L Jackson is talking over the loudspeaker and it translates everything into Chinese, so he asks for the one made in America. Or when the bad guys blow up Bruce Willis' house and they realize it's a mistake and he says "yeah, no problem, no problem". Ahhh, too many to choose.
Then the whole CURRY WGB Stick F U C K I N G F U N N Y C L A S S I C S T U F F
PS I was watching LOADED WEAPON I as I was writting this thread on sun DEC,18,2005 9:10 AM ACT CHANNEL 152 That is part of encore Ps I'm Not Shouting This movie is classic.
The part where they are leaving the crime scene and they get a valet to get their car and it blows up then calls fo the taxi and that blows up then emilo goes "Its gonna take alot more then a couple of car bombs to scare us" and Samuel watches him walk off and goes "Not a helluva lot more." Love that part always gets me rollin.
gotta be the cigareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeete! bit,absolute classic or the bit where they're all playing footsie with colt under the table and the dog gets involved too,genius!
I like when the captain is explaining to Luger that the Wilderness Girls cookies are laced with cocaine, and he says "No wonder I couldn't eat just one." So many other classic parts and lines in this movie, but this is one of the first that comes to mind.
does anybody recall the part where Emilio's chasing Curry, and in one shot of him running after the car, he's carrying a huge teddy bear? hahha, I laugh so hard at that part. It's just that one shot! it makes no sense!! I love this movie.
I love the really exaggerated blast from the machine gun that sends the two thugs flying for ages outside the mart.
Also, when that guy is lying on the gurney asking Sam L.J. how bad his injuries are and he replies that he's going to be just fine - before being slung into the coroner's van in a body bag.
"Okay that's it, this one has your name written on it" *cuts the wire named "Becker" on it, causing Becker to explode*
"Don't worry kids, we'll take good care of your bikes" *the bikes explode, sending Emilo and Samuel flying*
And the conveinence store scene. Especially when Emilo and the bad guy were standing right beside each other shooting at nothing. Heck, everyone with a weapon was destroying something in the store but the enemy. Classic movie.
How about the part about when Whoopi Goldberg got shot by the German guy, and he's asking her for some directions, and with each tip that she gives him, he says "Thank you", and shoots her another time...It's a riot.
I liked the whole movie - you all picked out some funny scenes.
What about when those cars blow up and Jack says "it's gonna take more than that to get us off the case" (or something like that) and Luger replies "not a hell of a lot more"...
The first time I saw this movie I was stationed in Turkey. It was in a Turkish theater in English with Turkish sub-titles. I was the only American there - I was rolling. Every now and then you'd hear a chuckle from a Turk - I guess it lost something in the translation.
My favorite part was when Colt mixes the Jack Daniels, Vodka and Scotch drink and tops it off with the chocolate syrup....only to sit down and drink it in one gulp. Funny.
I thought it was funny in the film's climax when Luger comes in with the gun, and the dialogue that followed:
Colt: Luger, you came!
Luger: That's personal.
The way these 2 lines are delivered are spot on and always make me laugh!!
Plus, after Colt jumps off the bridge chasing the car and hits the ground, Luger catches him up and says:
'So you let him get away huh?'
And of course the 'These matches say you're lying' line... we never get simple spoof jokes like that anymore these days. But that discussion is for another day.
I like the part when Luger is on the bog, just like on Lethal Weapon, and you expect to find a bomb on the toilet:
Colt: (lokking worried and holding his gun) "Luger?"
Luger: "Colt, in here"
Colt: (opens the bathroom door to find Luger sitting on the toilet reading a magazine) "What's the matter?"
Luger: "Nothin'... just takin' a *beep*
Then the next seen there in the car driving
I also like how there names are named after guns. Also the part where he jumps off the bridge hoping to land on the car, it's so funny because I for a second though he was gonna make it, he planned the jump for a while and had a serious face when he jumped off... the "THUD!"
lmao! i miss movies like these! i was prob 4 at the time but i like movies like these!
my fav part eva is wen emilio blasts the two guys through the mall window at the beginning and they take their time in the air doing all these power ranger flips and emilio starts drinking as he waits! CLASSIC!!!!
the other one where emilio wlks naked and says summot funny which made me LMFAO!
tis a shame - i wudda laffd harder - came on 3 days ago but the jokes r outdated but i still love the movie
if i watched this wiv my m8s then i wudnt enjoy it as much.
"What do you got?" "I dunno, some kind of itching, burning sensation." "Well, what do you expect? Your foot's on fire!"
"Quid pro quo, Mr. Colt." "What does that mean?" "It means I'm pretentious."
"Looks like she surprised herself."
"Isn't it a little bit late to be selling cookies?" "Twoop leader says we are not meeting our QWO-ta." Tim Curry's accent is absolutely side-splitting in this movie, though I'll be damned if I could say what it's supposed to be.
The part with Popeye goes praticly unoticed, but it's funny!
The part where Jackson is saying to Lovitz, he's going to be alright, and they put him into a bodybag, priceless... need more movies like this one eheh.
My favorite part was definitely the part when Colt busts in on Luger while he is taking a crap. But I think I first started laughing in that scene when the shadow hand is sneaking up behind Colt. I don't know why I laughed so hard. I think it was the sound that the hand made.
A woman is telling an officer about a criminal and hes using a Mr.Potato head doll. Later, we see cops arresting a Mr.Potato head
Becker: I did some money laundry on the side He's got money in a washing machine
Colt: Show the woman some respect, so how many men have you slept with?
Colt:What brought you here? Destiny: A cab Colt: But why? Destiny: My cars in the shop Colt hold up a cue card and reads: I mean why the hell did you come here?
"Where are you going?" "Nowhere, I'm just taking an unmotivated butt-in-the-moonlight-walk."
Miss Demeanor and Colt fall on the bed, the camera pans to the clock that says 12:10, the clock switches to 12:11 then pans back to the bed. I almost died laughing at this part.
I just saw this movie for the first time last night. Funny, funny stuff!!