How exactly do Johnny and Sebastian connect?
Are they just two separate characters in this movie with apparently on a metaphorical level Sebastian perhaps being simply Johnny's darker side.
But then at the end, after getting beaten, Johnny looks at Sebastian/Jeremy as if he knew him from some distant past, and then talks about "I'm still wet, why not my brother" as if that man was his distant brother or something.
And if they aren't at all connected, was this film then just having two separate characters and telling two separate stories and that its also a huge coincidence that the Sebastian character intruded on the lives of people close to Johnny and even violated that woman (yes, I know I know) close to him or did perhaps Sebastian know him and the people he was related to or lived close to?
And when he attacked and yes sexually assaulted Katrin Cartlidge's "Sophie" character, he did it for his own very of course selfish reasons and because he was simply a violent and sadistic psychopath but it wasn't in any way tied to him having any real connection to Johnny? Right?