MovieChat Forums > Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993) Discussion > Hot Shots or Hot Shots Part Deux?

Hot Shots or Hot Shots Part Deux?

Which Hot Shots movie is better, the original or the sequel? To me it's the sequel Part Deux. It had a better plot, cool new cast members including Rowan Atkinson and Richard Creena, plus it just had the better jokes. Lloyd Bridgers as the President is hilarious. "We'll settle this the old navy way. First guy to die looses!" Which Hot Shots do you guys think is better?


There's not a lot in it, but Part Deux just edges it.

"Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy."


I agree with Johnny 1810. The first film is funny, but is more concentrated on spoofing Top Gun, with a few other films thrown in (The Superman one being the funniest). I tend to compare the films using my 5 favourite gags from each.


Hot Shots:

1. Pete "Dead Meat" Thompson getting hit by the ambulance and saying "Wendy I can fly!"

2. Admiral Benson banging his head on a pipe and saying "I'll get that, its probably for me".

3. Topper riding over the speed bumps on his motorbike.

4. The milkman throwing the milk bottles after seeing the paperboy do it. (This one nearly made my friend choke on diet cola he was laughing so much)

5. Admiral Benson's performance at the funeral.

Hot Shots Part Deux:

1. The entire patrol boat sequence, including the fake Iraqi speak ("Kareem of Onion. Al Jarreau") and endless bullets from Topper's gun.

2. The man getting hit by the board at the train station. ("Warned ya twice!")

3. The Geronimo joke.

4. President Benson's speech at the banquet ("Just yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes and now here I am today begging you not to build such good cars.")

5. Saddam Hussein's "Sufferin Sucatash!" line.



I like the first one more.


Part Deux = More Laughs

First ones funny too though.


I like them both a lot, but I think I enjoy watching the second one more.


Agreed, It's the second one for me too!



In Sicily, Woman Are More Dangerous Than Shotguns


Part Deux rules.

"Who knows where thoughts come from? They just appear!" - Lucas, Empire Records


Hot Shots! - slightly above average
Hot Shots! Pare Deux - borderline brilliant


Wow, I guess I am in the minority here. But I think part one far out does part duex. Duex is alright but one kept me laughing.

"Smells like carotts"


Both are great, but IMO, DEUX is funnier.


Both are hilarious, but the TV in my country keeps on only showing Part Deux. Not that I can get tired of "Geronimo! Geronimo! Me!", but I just can't remember the first anymore.


Part Deux, definetly funnier!!!! (For me anyway)

Let the sky burn and I will inhale without a fight.


Although it's never mentioned when people rattle on about sequals being better than the originals (Godfather II? Pah!) Part Deax is the better of the two for me.

Hilarious all the way through.


Deux by a mile. I used to absolutely love the first one, but after I rented it again for the first time in forever a few days ago, it just wasn't really that funny, save for a few scenes.

Last Movie Seen: Hot Shots! (1991)


And let's not forget the fight scene in the beginning of Part Deux...
When the bad guy spits his bollocks out after getting kneed in the nuts... I nearly fell out of my seat, I was laughing so hard!

Of course... I was twelve when I saw it for the first time in 1993.

Also, just the little thing with Crenna being able to escape his cell through the bars in order to get the keys to open the cell...

Cheers, from Denmark

So... Part Deux for me!


I had the same experience the first one wasn't that funny anymore but the second one is still solid.


As the most of all here... Part deux definitely! :>
Why? Because of all the cool jokes and movie spoofs... Whenever i see it again i keep laughing... No other film (i guess do that)... Its just so cool... To me its still the funiest movie ever! Part one is still cool though!
By the way... When a part tree? :>


Part Deux; no contest. I gave the original an 8, but this one I gave a 10!

I just bought the DVDs; gonna watch them tomorrow!


I'm with Sarge they were both funny but part one is a classic to me.

-The legs that go all the way up

-The lounge scene

-The chafing dish incident

-notnotnotnottootootootoonotnotnotnottootootootoonotnotnotnottootootootoo...are too times ten.

-His fathers eyes (classic!!!!!!!)

-At ease! (The funnier of the Superman spoofs in the movie imho)

-I don't know how many times I've seen Wall-eye mentioned here!!! He was too funny!!!!

-Dead meats wife blowing all of Topper's life savings on hats (I still use that line)

I dunno maybe I'm just sentimental :D I could keep going on lol
You see the m%$&#f$*%@n' boots?


Part 2 is better, an ordinary movie at best IMO, part 1 is a joke



Definitely Part Deux. So many jokes that still kill me after all this time. Especially the part when the president is swimming underwater...

President: There were 2 things on my mind. Would we get to the men in time...(ridiculously high voice)...and why did I bring helium instead of air.



When people discuss the rarity of sequels being superior to the original, i don't mention The Godfather II or Aliens, i mention Hot Shots Part Duex


HAHAHAA! me too!


Both are good but i like Part Duex better.

The scene where he is killing alot of people then it mentions the terminator and robocop then says bloodiest movie. That part was hilarious
