MovieChat Forums > Groundhog Day (1993) Discussion > How would you try to rationalise the ver...

How would you try to rationalise the very first repeat?

Because you obviously see some sort of thought process going on inside Phil's head. He's looking at everything askance and trying to make some sort of sense out of what's going on, although this isn't verbalised much.

I might opt for "I'm having the most lucid dream of my life.". This would give me the ability to go to sleep that night, relatively unperturbed, hoping to wake up and have the next day be a new one.


I gave this some thought the first time I watched. We've all experienced dejavu at some point, but nothing could come close to what Phil experienced. I think I'd freak out.


I would definitely lose it.
I would have been ranting and raving like a lunatic, and if not on the first repeat, then certainly on the second repeat.


I need to stop drinking would be my thought.


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


Because I am a Christian I'd be praying to God. Trying to find out from him what he wants me to do differently to get to the next day. Then again I'm not like Phil either. For instance, I'd have given the homeless guy money.


I would probably think I am dreaming or the previous day was actually a dream depending on how real it felt. It would probably take until Day 3 to realize what is happening
