Greatest line in the film...
"What can I tell you sir, Mr. Coughlin was a bad man, he could have killed one of my kids. (PAUSE) Well sir you can blame me, I mean I'm the one that shot him."
"What can I tell you sir, Mr. Coughlin was a bad man, he could have killed one of my kids. (PAUSE) Well sir you can blame me, I mean I'm the one that shot him."
Gerard on the roof: "Hey, get rid of that helicopter!"
Sam: "Cosmo, this guy's dirty."
Cosmo" "Yeah, Sam. Yeah he is. You want me to keep an eye on him?"
Sam: "Oh yeah. I want you to set up a camp, right here."
Gerard: The guy did a Peter Pan right here off of this damn. Right Here!!
Dr Kimble to Dr. Nichols: "You switched the samples."
(okay, maybe not the best line, but one of the most memorable)
But powerful.
Especially when a company wants to have a drug approved goes to show how far a company is willing to go, even to botch drug samples using the same "healthy" liver to prove the drug worked.
Makes you wonder if drug companies actually do this.
SHERIFF RAWLINS: Whoa whoa whoa, the prisoners are all dead. The only thing a checkpoint's gonna do is get a lot of good people frantic around here and flood my office with calls.
GERARD: Well sh sheriff, I'd hate to see that happen, so I guess I'll take over your investigation.
Appeasement is hoping the bear eats you last.
Lots of great lines, but I just added one to the quotes.
It's after Gerard kills Copeland. Copeland's girlfriend is wailing hysterically.
"Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah!"
Gerard points at her and evenly says, "Shut up."
And she does.
Richard to Sykes on the subway train: "You missed your stop" then slams Sykes' head against the train door.