Here's my list of best to worst (any characters I left off were dropped since I didn't feel they contributed to the story/had no opinion of them):
Pink (nicest guy, went easy on Mitch, doesn't start trouble) Wooderson (little bit creepy on the teenage girls thing but decent fellow otherwise) Slater (harmless fun loving stoner, also doesn't bug anyone) Melvin (pounded some freshmen with a paddle but then bought beers for folks) Dawson (kind of a jerk move asking the freshman girl "spit or swallow" but OK otherwise) Mitch (seemed like a nice kid and I enjoyed seeing him fit in with the seniors) Tony (likeable guy even though he had a bit of a "I'm too good for some of this" verve Mike (despite his whiny attitude I felt he had some good merits, but somewhat OCD) Benny (probably one of the least likeable seniors; really seemed to like picking on kids) Carl (jerky friend who dragged his buddy away from a girl and tried to boss people around) Darla (major pain in the butt) Clint (cocky jerk) O'Bannion (total loser and worst character in the film)
1) Wooderson - Yeah maybe he's a bit creepy but it's not all that uncommon for older guys to hang out with high schoolers. Plus by far the coolest character, McConaughey was perfect for the role.
2) Slater - just overall cool guy, doesn't haze the freshman, gets along with everyone, etc.
3) Don/Pink- Kind of a tie between the 2. Don went along with the hazing to fit in with the others I felt more than doing it because he's an a-hole. Pink too but he's a chill guy who also is friends with all different crowds of people like Slater. Plus I thought it was cool he got it so rough when he was a freshman yet takes Mitch under his wings in a way.
4) Mitch- awesome seeing him having one of the best nights of his life, overall a nice kid
5) Cynthia- seemed like a pretty intelligent young woman, a little shy but she speaks her mind. Seems she'd be a cool chick to hang with.
6) Mike- Yeah kind of annoying at times but seemed like a good friend and had some dignity which showed with the fight with Clint
7) Jodi/Julie- Both seemed pretty laid back and nice.
8) Sabrina/Tony- Sabrina was shy but very kind and I thought her and Tony were a good match. Tony was a bit awkward and whatever but also a nice guy
9) Michelle- Funny nobody mentioned her name. Probably because she doesn't say much but I liked her because she kind of has that cool stoner vibe to her lol
10) O'Bannion- Yeah ik lol...he's a sociopath but great character
11) Melvin- Like Don, he got into the hazing but afterwards he seemed like a cool guy
12) Hirshfelder- He was funny, second favorite of the freshman guys behind Mitch
13) Shavonne, Kaye, Simone- Shavonne seemed alright but overall these 3 didn't really have much character development. Simone I liked at the very end in the car laughing at Slater but other than that a pretty minor character.
14) Pickford- Again not really much character development. He was supposed to have more of a presence but the actor who played him (Shawn Andrews) didn't get along with Jason London. Which meant Wooderson was the one who went to smoke the joint with the gang on the 50 yard line. Nice how that worked out :)
14) Darla - funny but too much of a b****.
15) Benny- Ehhhhh....didn't like him really. Never really showed any good traits. Unlike Melvin and Don, never connected with the freshman and actually seemed more on the sociopath side like O'Bannion.
16) Carl/Tommy- Both pretty annoying, especially Carl. Hope Mitch got new friends.
17) Clint - Just a total dickhead going nowhere in life
Pink. I agree he was the most likable. Seemed fairly intelligent, popular in the traditional high school sense, yet wasn't cocky about his popularity. Mitch. The most likable of the freshman. Aside from the constant nose grabbing, I can't think of anything to fault him for. Mike. Not exactly the coolest character, but probably the most respectable. He had strong moral principals, and stood by them no matter if they made him popular. Sabrina. Not really outspoken enough to get a true sense of her character, but impossible not to feel sympathy for. Slater. Effortlessly funny, and genuinely nice. Jodi. Kind hearted, somewhat sexy, but in an understated kind of way. Michelle. Seemed fun to hang out with, artistic, I'd like to have her as a girlfriend or as a stoner buddy. Cynthia. Has interesting thoughts and conversations. I'm not sure I'd want her as a girlfriend, but I would love her as a girl friend. Pickford. Gave off a somewhat cocky vibe, but still seems fun to hang out with. Shavonne. By far the best looking girl, but didn't get a huge sense of her personality. Simone. As with Shavonne, her personality seemed fairly nondescript, but my eyes and dick tell me to rank Shavonne one notch higher. Tony. He seemed nice enough, but the most memorable thing about him was the unfortunate Abe Lincoln dream. Hirschfelder. Somewhat forgettable, but I felt bad for Carl's treatment of him. Don. He could seem pretty cocky and insensitive, most notable during the girl hazing/proposal scene, but I don't think he was truly mean spirited, just really thick skinned and therefore expected others to be. He seemed like he would probably regret some of his antics later in life. Wooderson. Matthew McConaughey is the only actor on the planet who could make him seem cool. We all know at some point he would get a statutory rape charge and end up in prison getting sodomized by Clint. Melvin. Not very memorable. He seemed to enjoy hazing the freshman, but wasn't as mean spirited as some others about it. Benny. He didn't have many memorable scenes, but he definitely seemed like one of the cruelest characters. Perhaps he could be on the same level of O'Bannion if he had a bigger role. Carl. Cocky douchebag. Easily my least favorite of the freshmen. I still didn't want him hazed, but I hope Hirschfelder would have gotten back at him. Darla. Evil *beep* end of story. Clint. Worthless pile of sh!t, end of story. O'Bannion. The only reason I rank him worse than Clint is because he had more screen time. They were both scum.
While I don't dislike the character Pickford I do wish they would've chosen another actor to play him, since he and Jason London (Pink) didn't get along on the set I'm glad that it gave Pickford a reduced amount of screentime
After watching this movie last night for the first time in years I'm changing my votes on who I find to be the most likable to the least likable.
O'Bannion (the reason why he's worse than Clint is he's a jerk towards almost everyone in his presence)