
Is how I think of this film. Small town, simple man goes to Washington (or just about any other political capital anywhere) and makes a difference. I know it's a hopelessly unrealistic story, especially these days, but every now and then I rewatch this film and think it would be nice if it could be so.


It's refreshingly optimistic compared to a lot of political comedies. More recent ones anyway.


I agree. Capra is one of my favorite past directors. I love both "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" and "It's A Wonderful Life". This film, in it's own way, feels very similar to those films. Another film that reminds me of Capra's direction is "The Majestic" starring Jim Carrey. I feel that Carrey was channeling Jimmy Stewart in that film.


I don't like Jim Carrey very much and I've never seen The Majestic - perhaps I should give it a go.


I agree that Carrey is an acquired taste, but in this film he restrains his zany side and shows that he does indeed have some good acting skills. Maybe not Oscar worthy, but competent. But, the supporting cast is excellent and the story is heartwarming without be sugary.
