MovieChat Forums > Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) Discussion > Larue getting the drop on Walker in ROL.

Larue getting the drop on Walker in ROL.

So, after viewing this classic episode again I can't help but wonder why Walker wasn't himself in this one? I mean Walker has taken down multiple assailants on different occasions by surprising them so how does one lunatic manage to surprise Walker on his home turf? Any logical explanations? I guess you could say that Larue's obsession was so strong that Walker maybe underestimated that?


No. It is as simple as the story called for Walker to be subpar compared to his normal self. Also it makes my head scratch that Larue goes for the leather and chain bondage for Alex but simply ropes Walker to stakes. Further, that prior Walker was training the horse to pull a knot loose. It's the Batman formula where villains are allowed to be only so competent and no more. Villains are playing for 100's of millions of dollars but in the end will chance everything on a butt kicking contest.
