MovieChat Forums > Saved by the Bell: The New Class (1993) Discussion > Okay so am I the only one who actually l...

Okay so am I the only one who actually liked it

A lot of people don't like this series but I did though. No it's not as good as the original but I thought it was still a pretty decent show. Sure there were some recycled storylines: Hence them working at the Country Club is similar to the Malibu Sands episodes of the original, there was also a date auction episode and another one where the girl's college boyfriend comes back and she has to chose that was similar to the Zack/Stacy episode and they also helped out a homeless girl during Christmas time as well.
But I liked the show though and don't think it was crap like some people do.

"I don't believe in getting even just getting what you deserve"

"Done" By The Band Perry


I personally did not like the 1st season, I thought it was a cheap copy of the original and was painful to watch, although the potential was there with characters like Megan and Vicki. I tuned in when season 2 premiered and it was much better, the characters were unique and I really liked that they integrated Sarah Lancaster to the main cast. Seasons 3 thru 7 were ok but it shined in season 2. I think the constant cast changes is what turned off many people.

BOB SAGEEETTTTT!!!!! - Tourettes Guy
