I know Smallville is much more popular, and ran a lot longer than Lois and Clark, but I have always preferred this show. Smallville just takes itself too seriously, and there is none of the light-hearted, humourour banter that you got in this show! I know Smallville has a much bigger budget, but I will always prefer this show to Smallville, and have bought all four seasons of Lois and Clark on DVD, none of Smallville. Anyone else prefer this to Smallville? Why or why not?
Definition of troll on IMDb - anyone who expresses a view different to mine.
I'm sure most people on this board prefer's Lois and Clark to Smallville, me being one of them! I agree that this show is a lot more light-hearted and doesn't take itself too seriously. This show is more about Superman, while Smallville will always be about Clark Kent.
I FEEL This way hands down. Lois & Clark in my personal opinion is WAY BETTER than Smallville. However, that's not because it's light hearted.
That's the one main thing about Smallville that I prefer to Lois & Clark - They do the darkness and serious stuff nicely. But when it comes to other things like good characters and being faithful to what it's SUPPOSED to be about which is Clark becoming Superman, then Lois & Clark wins every time.
Lois & Clark is highly underrated and it is one of my favorite takes on the Superman mythos.
Lois and Clark may not have had the same number of villains from the comics (and a vast majority of the villains were pretty forgettable), but the way it developed the story of Superman from an uneasy, unsure farmboy to a confident and powerful champion of the people was nothing short of sublime. Far better characterisation than in any of the other Superman shows.
The actors all did an excellent job. Dean Cain had some pretty big boots to fill, but he succeeded by correctly playing the character in an entirely different way to what Christopher Reeve had done. Even his costume (which gets a lot of slack) made perfect sense as a homespun outfit made lovingly by Martha Kent (as opposed to a Kryptonian ceremonial garb, presumably created by futuristic technology in the Fortress of Solitude, programmed by Jor-El). The Daily Planet crew were all great (although they should have kept Tracy Scoggins and it was a CRIME to get rid of Michael Landes). I loved John Shea's Luthor and it's always difficult for me to pick between him and Hackman as my favourite Lex.
Anyone who says Teri Hatcher wasn't the definitive Lois Lane is sorely, sadly, madly mistaken.
Also, besides the Animated Series, Lois & Clark is the only Superman show that hasn't spent its entire existence jacking off to the Christopher Reeve movies. It tried and succeeded to do something very different and it should be commended for that. Smallville, Superman Returns, even the Superboy show just copied all of the elements that were created in the movies, thinking they couldn't do any better. Big mistake, in my opinion.
The only things I disagree with is Cat Grant needed to have been axed. She did not add anything to the cast, and her plotlines seemed really petty.
The writers (had they thought about it) should have made Zara and Ching the New Kyrpton couple--and had then double-dating (and crime fighting) with Lois and Clark while trying to raise their kids too.
They could have gone all out with learning about Kyrptonian foods, religion, music...etc.
Or if Clark...etc have powers on Earth, Lois discovers she can bring back ultra woman when on New Kyrpton and facing it's sun.
I'm a Superman fan and a huge Smallville fan, but I don't hate L&C, planning on buying the dvd sets this week. I don't compare the shows either, both have their charms.
Does anyone over the age of eighteen NOT prefer this to the mess that is 'Smallville'?
This show didn't always take itself seriously but it thrived on that. It also made some attempt to adhere to canon. 'Smallville', on the other hand, is just a teeny-booper show that has reduced Clark into a whiney irritating brat.
"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G
Oh please. Smallville does not take itself that seriously. Infact, the later seasons seem to have more of the L&C feel to them with more humor and light-heartedness.
And not all SV fans are teens/young adults. The fandom comes in all shapes and sized, just like the L&C fandom.
Why should we compare both shows anyways? They both do their own thing and the concepts are completely different.
L.A. won't let me go. L.A. owns my soul. ~Alexz Johnson
I'm a huge L&C fan. Still remember watching this live, man! I'll always prefer this to Smallville. The chemistry between Dean and Teri puts shame to the entire cast of Smallville, and I like Smallville from what little I've seen of it. I just love the humor and villains and Dean/Teri chemistry of L&C! Good times, man! Good times!
I have never got into Smallville. But have all these on DVD. I used to love watching this back in the 90s. If I was to get into Smallville in would take up so much time cannot believe its had ten seasons now.
I saw the first episode but could not get into it.
I prefer L&C. Ironically, I began losing interest in both shows after the 2nd season, but I continued watching L&C more in comparison to Smallville. Sounds stupid, but when Smallville 1st started I expected it to be a prequal to Lois & Clark.
Reboot, restart or re-imagining is another word for remake
I may only be 16, and wasn't really around to see this show when it originally aired, but I remember watching this show on TBS and then later on TNT, and now I own all the seasons and watch them all the time. Smallville is actually the only Superman show/movie I lost interest in once the first season was over. So... I definatly prefer L&C to Smallville!
The chemistry between Dean and Teri puts shame to the entire cast of Smallville
I completely agree. Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher are always who I think of when I imagine Clark and Lois. The cast of 'Smallville' don't even come close (not least because we have a Jimmy who is the same age as everyone else, a Lois who's been introduced too early and a Clark who behaves too much like an adolescent to be taken seriously as Superman).
"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G
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I liked both but neither show is actually about Superman.. Lois and Clark was, just that, about Lois and Clark and their relationship... Smallville is about, well, I haven't quite figured that out yet but it's pretty good but it does tend to get a little too deep, for it's own good... Actually, the original "Adventures of Superman" 1952-58 with George Reeves was more about Superman than these other two were... And It was great when I was a kid....
I love both shows. I don't have to prefer one to the other. ---- "It's a disease!" "You're a disease! And you've diseased us all! Me, Chuck...this guy!"
As much as I love LnC I prefer Smallville by a small margin. While the character of Clark is a draw between the two, the other characters are usually superior in smallville to me. Here's a short list of reasons I prefer smallville
LEX- Micheal Rosenbaum is the best lex in my opinion, Even movies cartoons ect. The Kents- Should go without saying Villains- Superman wasn't as challenged on LnC as on Smallville. Lionel- Yeah, unfair he didn't exist in LnC but I loved him on smallville, and can't wait for the episode where he comes back Brainiac Jor-el Zod Kara Tess Green arrow Massive amount of DC characters
smallville started out pretty decent and I had hopes for it myself both being an l&C fan and an outcast in a small town. But they just completely went crazy/