Favorite Quote?

There are lines in this film that i feel are hilarious just because they don't really make a lot of sense. My favorite has got to be...

"You can put a cat in an oven, but that don't make it a biscuit!"

What the frick?



"That's the move, I tried to warn ya!" I say that every time I play basketball.


Billy "I'll tell you what. Why don't we take all these bricks and build a shelter for the homeless, so maybe your mother will have a place to stay."

-See What I See


"You got that big Z in your fro. What are you, the black Zorro?"

or "We goin' Sizzla! We goin' Sizzla!"


I always loved Junior's line..........

Billy: "Its hard work makin something this pretty look like a chump or a geek. So I must be doin it for a reason".

Junior: "Well you got me convinced whatever the reason may be".

Get outta here ya half-a-sissy 'for I give ya a slap.


Ha, classic. "its pretty, its so pretty"
"where did you get that haircut, at the braille insitute"
"are you saying i cant listen to Jimy"


"This is Ghana you my friend are shooting for the Sudan"


You bake biscuits in the oven...You can put anything in an oven(even a cat), but that don't make it a biscuit


I love the musical discussion while they're in the car.

Sydney: "See white people can't hear Jimi...y'all listen"

Gloria: "What are you talkin' about, his drummer was white"

Billy: "OOOHHHHHHHHH!......Whole damn band is white except for Jimi"

Sydney: "No. No. Jimi Hendrix did not have a white rhythm section!"

Too funny.

I also love it when Sydney and Billy first hustle together.

Raymond: "Hey Chump! You wanna run?

Billy: "You mean play basketball?"

Hilarious. Loads of great stuff in that flick.
