MovieChat Forums > Universal Soldier (1992) Discussion > Alternate ending... What do ya think?

Alternate ending... What do ya think?

Ok, it says Luc's parents are fake, and Doctor gregor brings a few soldiers and shoots Luc to death.

IMO, it sounds interesting... I mean, his parents are fake?! Would've loved to see this, for Luc's reaction.


shooting luc to death sounds like a great ending, then we wouldnt of gotten those horriable sequals

Ill catch you on the flip side.



Thank God it wan't used.

Clark's Destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


I just watched the Alternate Ending which was surprising. A little more interesting and "darker" but gets a little soupy at the very end. The original ending was a little more "traditional" for an action flick.


Honestly, I expected the alternate ending to simply change it so that Veronica was actually killed, but that was one of the few things that wasn't changed.

This is easily one of the worst alternate endings ever. For one thing, it's something like five endings: Mom gets killed; Scott gets killed; Gregor shows up, kills Luc; cops show up, arrest Gregor; Luc not dead, parents not dead, Woodward not dead either(!); two years later, Luc dead.

And on top of all that, it is choppy as hell. Maybe the didn't have enough B-roll footage to properly assemble the original ending, because I can't imagine a big budget studio movie going to theaters with that bad of an ending.


The alternate ending is awful. Im glad they changed it.


Really dark ending. The parents are fake is the most shocking twist, although him being death is actually make sense to me due the fact he start the movie as one. It's more complete than the ending they finally choose.
Overall I am glad they changed it.


original ending was best.
