MovieChat Forums > The Player (1992) Discussion > Best films about film making?

Best films about film making?

So what are the best films about film making?

The Player has to be one of them but I think Mulholland Dr. is better. Any other suggestions for candidates?

- This comment is most likely authentic and fairly close to what I intended to say -



I love that show!

- No animal was hurt during the making of this burger -


8 1/2 is by far the best film about making movies ever made. in my opinion.

i also love the player, mulholland dr, inland, etc. but there is something about fellini's film thats more brilliant to me. its also my favorite fellini and looks unbelievable in hd.


Sweet Liberty and State and Main are very good comedy films about the behind the scenes aspects of movie making.


Ed wood
Sunset Boulevard
The Player

so many movies, so little time


This is such a great thread since I haven't seen some of these films in years and will search them out.
But I am surprised about how unknown Day of the Locust is. A truly dark film about Hollywood.
I only saw it once but I spent years trying to find it on VHS. I suppose DVD is an impossibility.

Why does nobody ever mention Day of the Locust?

("Where was Sunday? What happened to Sunday?")

I intend to live forever. So far so good.


Yes. I'd like to see "Day of the Locust" again. I haven't seen it in decades, but I'm still haunted by Donald Sutherland's performance. Oscar gets very negligent at times.

LOVE your film quote about living forever. What film is that from, please?

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


Gadare I'm not aware that it is a film quote. I heard a colleague use it once and it really appealed to me.
But the "where was Sunday?" quote comes from When Harry Met Sally. They are sitting in a restaurant and Sally is talking about Days of the Week Underpants.
I had Days of the Week Underpants and it is true there are NO Sunday underpants which always confused me. What was I supposed to do on Sunday? Forgo wearing underwear?
But I would like to know where Gadare comes from? Did I hear that word in the film Shakespeare in Love?

I intend to live forever. So far so good.


LOL about your underwear experience as a confused minor.

Perhaps the plan was to have girls forgo wearing underwear on Sunday to increase church attendance by teenage boys?

Forgive me. It was just too easy and I'm too bad to resist. You could maybe tell by my film quote.

I love "Shakespeare in Love" but it has nothing to do with my screen name. Gadare is a strange combo of my given names. But I might scour " L." again to see if there is copyright infringement.

Thank you for responding. You seem very gracious.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


Oh and let's not forget IMHO the best quote ever:
"You have to play the game with fear and arrogance-"
"Fear and ignorance-"
"No you dummy--"

On my way to the racetrack where my ass might get whooped in the 4th race at Woodbine

I intend to live forever. So far so good.


Don't know if it's one of the "best", but Stardust Memories is worth a viewing.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


Two entertaining ones by Albert Brooks, Real Life and Modern Romance, could round up a strong B list.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


The Exorcist?

Tell me when to stop.

"Victor, what are we going to do to stop this fiendish tit?"


