not great, but a fun time
a fair amount of whimsy, i was pleasantly surprised. great cast.
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I don't really get it. Most of the movie was drama and depressing.
And not even the good type of feel-good drama. No character was really likable and all of them had their own tragedies, almost like an old Russian novel.
How is this different from real life, you may ask? Well this movie was billed as a comedy. I haven't had one single laugh, not even a chuckle. Not even a place where I thought "this was witty" or something. Hell with dead babies and AIDS and men crying and one or two destroyed marriages how can you call this movie a comedy OR even pleasant. It's nowhere near that.
Nobody said it's a comedy. I had fun watching some parts, and some were sad. I also don't like the AIDS and Andrew crying scene, and could have done without the scene where Andrew and Sarah kiss but enjoyed almost every other part of it. I like Maggie's character, she was interesting and fun to watch. I also liked Mary and her husband and even Carol at times. Their tragedies happened in the past and in this film we see how they are coping today. I am sure many of us have had similar problems and can sympathize with them. If you don't like to see dead babies, diseases, and destroyed marriages maybe you should stick just to comedies.
sharethe banter among the friends was where the fun bits were. it was very genuine and sweet.
shareI guess that the "comedy" was in the quirkiness of the characters and in the dialogue. The movie is full of quotable lines ~~ not all "big laughs" but certainly many gentle chuckles.
shareIt's a solid Comedy/Drama, Great soundtrack and wonderful performances. It's the closet British cinema has got to making a The Big Chill like film. Not as great as that film. But Peter's Friend's has a lot going for it, Stephen Fry is a likeable lead for starters and I think this is still Emma Thompson's most adorable performance. As I said it's got a very good soundtrack, and it doesn't outstay it's welcome. I think where the film falls down is when it wants to mix it's comedy with it's drama, the stuff with Laurie and Staunton character's about the death of their child doesn't quite the pack the punch it was intended. Alphonsia Emmanuel character doesn't quite win you over imo, surprised she didn't go on to bigger things.
Not Branagh's greatest film but a cult gem.