Miserable ripoff

It is highly questionable that the world needed an uncredited and unacknowledged remake of 'The Big Chill' in the first place, but it most certainly did not need it remade as a third rate lovie-fest like this turgid Ken-and-Em Appreciation Society knock-off. Lawrence Kasdan should have sued the 'writers' for plagiarism, and the negative should have been turned into guitar plectrums. What a waste of time, money and effort this film was, and is.


Having never seen this film I cannot comment on the quality. However, I merely submit the following quote for consideration: "The best way to criticize a movie is to make another movie." Jean-Luc Goddard
Is it possible that Branagh saw this as the better way to approach a story with the intriguing elements presented in "The Big Chill"?
As for "The Big Chill" I found it pleasing in fits and starts. On occasion I wanted to slap the entire cast in an attempt to silence their bitching.

Last Film Seen: Mulholland Dr. {A+}


Not a ripoff and a better movie than Big Chill


I agree with MovieDude1893, for I don't catagorize every movie about college friends converging a Big Chill rip off, for the film doesn't hold the patient on the premise.

The late sixties was the beginning to co-ed colleges proliferating, so it makes sence that The Big Chill would be the first, but certainly not the last.

I do have the same problem with both films in that it's hard to digest a group of charactors who are in their early thirties, all successful, yet moaning and licensing themselves to be nostalgic.




Characters who are "successful" from a 1980s or 1990s perspective, but not based on their 1960s-era expectations of themselves. They've "failed" from that perspective. Impossible for you to understand that?

Coulson has a plan.


Just finished watching "The Big Chill" and I think that "Peter's Friends" is way superior.

Characters in "PF" are more believable and have better chemistry than those in "TBC". They're lovable and fun to watch. "TBC" characters struck me as rather boring and shallow.

“Daydreaming subverts the world.” ~ Raoul Vaneigem


if you want to talk rip-offs, it is 'big chill' that is guilty. it ripped off, 'the return of the Secaucus 7', by john sayles.
