funniest part...

Did anyone else notice when Beaker flips off Scrooge as he is walking out of the office? I didn't stop laughing for days (literally) after seeing that.


Rizzo made me crack up the whole movie



My favourite bit is the dodgy rhyming in the song about Marley and Marley...

"we're marley and marley, our hearts were painted BLACK. we should of known our evil deeds would put us both in SHACK....(les)..."



''UHH AHH! Light the lamp, not the rat, LIGHT THE LAMP, NOT THE RAT!''
''Uh, Rizzo?''
Gonzo:*pushes him into the bucket of frozen water*

''Tell him thank you for the flowers, and he can kiss both sides of my ass.''


All the funny stuff happens between Rizzo and Gonzo. Man they made the film, I just couldn't stop laughing when they came on. Though to me the funniest part was when Gonzo and Rizzo were trying to keep from getting squished by the statues that was so funny than the statues fell off throwing them off two LOL. Cutest part for me would have to be when Rizzo kissed Gonzo on the nose, that was just so cute. I adore there friendship ^^

Can't wait for InkHeart Film {April}. Can't wait for Wanted {2008} and The Happening {2008}


I have NO idea why, but I find it hilarious when Scrooge mistakes his gown for a ghost so begins to repeatedly hit it with his cane, and upon realising its his gown he just gets really upset and says "My best dressing gown!" *picks it up* "No harm done..." and it just cuts to him wearing it, eating cake....

I love it. So much.

Arrested Development - The Movie


Sorry to disappoint you, but he just shakes his pointing finger at Scrooge, in a telling off sort of way. I paused it to get a closer look, and it is definately his first finger.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


He's not giving him the finger. He's pointing his index at him as he gets pulled out the door as if to say "Wait a minute"


That's what I said. Try to reply to the right person. If you view threads as nested it makes life much easier.

I'm anespeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericumbobulations...


I was just agreeing with you, I know that's what you said.



I love the part in Scrooge's song when they say: "Even the vegetables don't like him!"


> I love the part in Scrooge's song when they say: "Even the vegetables don't like him!"

This is what I was going to post! Love that bit and looking forward to watching the film on Dec 24th...

In case I don't see you ; good afternoon, good evening and good night!


"it's good to be heckling again."

"Oh my God, what a horrible photograph. My first wanted poster and I look just awful."


ne time kermit is at his house with the girls. I love how cute kermit's voice is whenever he talks, its great :). n when kermit has tim on his shoulders n theyre singing i love it


best part is the scene where the band member hits the other band member in the face during the christmas present song as they walk the streets... bottom right corner of the screen, easy to miss!


I know its said in almost every Version one way or another, but the Back and forth between Scrooge and Marley always cracks me up.

"Because,” said Scrooge, “a little thing affects them. A slight disorder of the stomach makes them cheats. You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!"

That line is always said in all versions and It just cracks me up even when I read it after all these years It still makes me Smile.

This sonic transducer is I suppose some kind of audio-vibratory-physio-molecular transport device


Here are some of the funniest moments in the film:

During the opening song about Scrooge, I like the line about the vegetables not liking him.
Scrooge shouting, "Unemployed!" then the bookkeepers put on a brief Hawaiian-type performance whilst singing, "Heatwave! This is my island in the sun!"
Dickens lighting Rizzo's tail instead of the lamp ("Hey hey hey light the lamp, not the rat!").
The cameos of Animal and Swedish Chef at the party in Scrooge's past.
Some of the fourth wall jokes, such as Rizzo telling Gonzo he's not Charles Dickens.

Animation for life


I haven't seen these mentioned yet...

Daughters: "it smells wonderful."
Miss piggy: "it DOES doesn't it?"

Also at the very beginning a truck carrying cabbage drives by and someone jumps on the back to take one. The cabbage yells "help i'm being stolen! Help!"


*At Fozziwig's Christmas party*

Animal: QUIEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! ...thank you.

Believe me, nothing is trivial. - Eric Draven, The Crow.


Being a Muppet fanatic, I have many favorite parts. Here are a few ultimate favorites...

1. Scrooge: How would the bookkeepers like to be suddenly... UNEMPLOYED?!
Rats: Heat wave! This is my island in the sun!

2. (On the melon cart)
Melon: Help me! I'm being stolen! Hey!

3. (after Rizzo jumps from the fence)
Rizzo: Oh, I forgot my jelly beans. (slips through and back; Gonzo is staring)
Gonzo: You could fit through those bars?
Rizzo: Yeah?
Gonzo:.... you are SUCH an idiot.
