MovieChat Forums > Howards End (1993) Discussion > For being found 'starving' Jacky was qui...

For being found 'starving' Jacky was quite chubby

I know this is a stupid and silly inquiry but I found it a little odd that Jacky was definitely on the chubby side for being so poor and lacking in food. Leonard however looked the part all thin and emaciated. I'm curious if this touched anyone else's thoughts.


"Chunky" is being generous. She was straight up fat! He I could buy was starving. Her, not so much.


Chubby people don't really live off their own fat and can starve.


In their first scene together Leonard says he isn't hungry so Jacky eats his dinner she was saving for him. This may happen a lot.


Waste not, want not. Perhaps Leonard wasn't as keen on jellied tongue as Jackie was; it seemed a very 'East End tea'.


Its hard to gauge the real situation because Helen was hysterical about it all. Jackie was a bit of a hustler, so I’m sure she able to charm her way to some extras for herself and Leonard. But I’m sure there were days with no meals or just one a day.

As far as fat stores go, they don’t last long. I once had bad Gerd and put myself on a semi-fast. My fat stores lasted 4 months tops then I was really thin.
