Donald Trump Cameo....Timely now?

Most everyone knows about Donald Trump's cameo in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel (where Kevin asks a passer-by where the lobby is). This movie seems to be running on HBO a lot in April and May of 2016 (and now June), since Trump virtually locked up the Republican nomination. My question is if Trump had anything to do with its airing so frequently now? (Can you buy your way on to HBO?) Or am I too much of a "conspiracy theorist?"


I guess but it is weird that a Christmas movie is airing on tv at this point in the year, plus it is a very quick cameo so makes you wonder if they could have just cut it out of the movie.


Why would it be cut quick or otherwise? I'm not from the US but I know lots of people like him. He should be cut from the movie because you don't?

Hey! You're not old enough to drink! Now go and die for your country!!!


I think during the election season they would have to cut him in order to show the movie otherwise the station showing would have to give equal time to EACH of the other candidates.



....He tells Kevin where the lobby is. That's it


Yep which is not all that big of a part or something to get all crazy about


Maybe he provided cameos in this, Little Rascals, and other movies to get kids familiar with him knowing they might vote for him to be president one day.


Who knows but well you never know what the future will bring


I remember watching this movie when I was younger and having no clue who he was.

My dad would say: "You know who that man is, he owns the hotel!"

I was like, WOW!


It's funny I didn't have a clue either it was my brother who told me. Although how he knew I have no idea.

If you dip your foot into a pool of piranhas don't cry when you lose a toe!๐Ÿ˜ž๐ŸŸ


I wouldn't really be surprised that a lot of kids wouldn't know who he is, I mean has he really done anything for them to know who he is?


I remember knowing who Trump was as a kid in the 80's, but I saw this movie twice in the theater and didn't make the connection on that's who he was. I think it had been a few years at that point since Donald and Ivana had been so heavy in the headlines plus he looked a little different by then being squarely in middle age.


Who knows...

I'd forgotten he's in the movie, and thought I'd watch a comedy to have a good laugh and a rest from all that pre-election frenzy, from all those Clintons and Trumps.

So I'm enjoying this movie and suddenly "OH NO, WTF IT'S TRUMP AGAIN! HE'S EVERYWHERE! HELLLLPP!!!"


A few weeks back Channel 4 in the UK screened an episode of The Simpsons where Lisa Simpson was elected POTUS. Her administration was cleaning up the mess caused by President Trump's administration.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!๎ž


Yes, but now I'm sure LeBron and the rest of the nutty NBA will boycott the Plaza for daring to let him in.

My people skills are fine. It's my tolerance of morons that needs work.
