MovieChat Forums > Hero (1992) Discussion > Has anybody seen this?

Has anybody seen this?

Wow! I am suprised to find that so few people have seen this movie! I've seen it a couple of times, and it has to be one of the most ironic and heart warming films I have ever seen. Why on earth is it only rated 6.2?

Gah! This just has to be one of the best films of all time for how it mixes the drama with the comedy. The plot is both believable and ironically hilarious, and the rooftop scene is just priceless!

So, please share why you liked or disliked it.

On a side note, did the crew at MMPA have their ears clogged when they saw this film before giving it a PG-13, or is most of the language edited to get that rating, like in Billy Elliot? I have only seen the U.K. edition, which is rated 15. Still, it by no means makes this a bad movie, rather it adds believability and depth to the main character.

Please reply!

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I just watched it tonight for the first time.


Really felt sorry for poor Dustin though, the poor guy never got a break. Loved how they ended the film in a similar situation, it shows that the plane wasn't just a 'moment of weakness', but that really underneath he is a good guy.


Remember pants little brother, for today pants are good!


We saw it this weekend and just loved it. I can see where a lot of viewers might not "get" it-- it had the feel of Hudsucker Proxy to me.

I think what appealed to me the most was the fact that neither of the main characters-- John Bubber, Bernie LePlante-- had everything it took to become a hero. Bernie had the guts to actually do what had to be done, but Bubber had the heart and innocence to inspire others to become heroes themselves. Together they formed the perfect hero.

And of course my husband fell in love with Geena Davis all over again! She was stunning throughout the entire movie.

I'm not sure what you're asking about the MMPA rating... Hero did have some rough language, I think specifically to show Bernie's character and the character of the people he associated with. It also provided a pretty stark contrast to Bubber's purity. If you remember, at one point Gale mentioned, during the television reenactment, that her savior kept cursing which provided more reason for her to start doubting the fact that Bubber was her actual hero.

Did you ever see Hudsucker Proxy?


I also found this movie very moving. Based on your recommendation, I will see Hudsucker Proxy; it sounds like a movie I would enjoy.

I wouldn't go as far as to say Hero was a very complex movie to grasp, but with movies such as these, you do not get the full effect by merely opening your eyes and ears; you have to watch it with all of your senses and give it some thought. I think it's a classic example of life imitating art. Life is not manufactured with a glossy veneer; it bears harsh surfaces withered by real life problems and obstacles that we are all familiar with and confront in our daily lives. A little sappy poetry though admittedly not very good.


This movie is a classic hoffman picture. Who wouldn't love hoffmans pessimistic attitude throughout the film.. Call the zookeeper lady call the zookeeper haha priceless. If you haven't seen this film yet, you're missing out imo!

The DeParted "Best Picture of the Year"
Best Director-Martin Scorsese


I think this movie is a LANDMARK in Cinema history, one of the best ever movies i have ever watched , it makes you think deeply how outer appearance and media would deceive people and makes a legend from nothing , even when Gale discovered the truth that Laplant was the real hero she was hesitant whom she would prefer to get rescued when they were on the ledge and Lapalant was going to fall.
people fancy a hero and then they build lies about him untill he becomes a legend and you know what ? they want to beleive it, just give them the right guy and they will follow blindly. I just loved when Chevy Chase said " Have you ever heard more drivel, coming from someone who's not even the President?" (when he was watching Bubber talking to the press by the end of the movie), there is so many scenes in the movie that makes you think.
very realistic movie , brilliant masterpeice, i give it 10 for sure.


that line about how he was *beep* the people and wasn't even the president: when i came across this movie channel-surfing the first thing i saw was andy garcia's televised "everyone is a hero" speech, and i thought he must have been running for president. so yah, pretty much.


I was so late to work the other morning because I was watching this movie. I have never seen or heard of it. I have to go find it so I can finish watching it. I can't believe I have never seen it.


The first time I saw this movie I don't think I really 'got it' and therefore didn't enjoy it very much. Since the story basically centers around a sleazy guy doing a noble thing and a noble guy doing a sleazy thing, I think I was confused about who was the 'good guy' and who was the 'bad guy'. Thus, quite ironically, I missed the whole message of the movie. However, I have seen it several times since then and enjoyed it very much. You are correct. It is remarkably heartwarming and, I think, very humorously reveals much about the human condition and society in general (especially the way the media tends to place stereotypes on certain celebrities and characterize them as either 'good' or 'bad' and not as normal human beings with both admirable qualities and embarrassing weaknesses).


I just saw it a few hours ago on HBO. I liked it, but I thought the ending was kind of muddled.


I saw it. I liked how they would switch scenes to show how each of them are doing (LaPlante eating slop in jail -to- John eating at a three-star restaurant). Pretty ironic in every way.

I just love seeing Danny Hoffman's expressions whenever someone unknowingly talks bad about him. It's hilarious.

'Years later, our children will tell their children stories of how they stood out in the rain -- just to get a glimpse of the one who taught us to hold on a second longer...'
~ Aunt Magdeline Parker


I just saw this movie today. I came across it when I was channel surfing. It looked interesting. I really enjoyed the movie I thought it was funny and entertaining. I really liked the ending.

"Its a shame about the raisins"


Yeah, I don't understand the PG-13 rating at all. Usually only 1, 2, or even 3 uses of the "F" word are permitted under this rating, but the only movie I can think of that uses 3 was As Good As It Gets, and that had to be appealed from an R. This movie uses more, and some of them sexual uses as well, which generally automatically gets an R. My Best Friend's Wedding was appealed because Julia Roberts used it sexually, but that was just one use. I don't even think this movie was appealed!!


I saw HERO when it came out in theaters. I busted a gut laughing at Hoffman's character because he was very believable as a flim-flam man. HERO met with mixed reviews but I loved it. It was funny, warm, ambitious, and sexy. The performances were all great and Stephan Frears direction is first rate.


This movie definetly isn't one of the best of all time, but it is very enjoyable. I just caught it on HBO. Some parts were extremely predictable, but overall it was very entertaining. I give it a 7/10

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Lucky you. I was 10 when it came out in theaters, and my mother wouldn't let me see it because of language. I really liked the story - I think it gives a realistic depiction of the way the media and the public react to something major like that. Once my dad sat down and watched it with me, and even afterwards he would say, "Remember that movie where Dustin Hoffman played that kind of a loser..but he was really a good guy?" I think my dad could relate to Bernie Laplante a little, and that's why the charcter roped him in. :p


Yeah, I liked it too.

I think it disturbed a lot of people because it violated their black and white sense of reality (ie- the definition of "good guys" and "bad guys"). Labels don't work, regardless of how convenient they are. They paint a broad picture of life that is inaccurate. In reality, we live in a gray universe, where "good people" do bad things, and "bad people" do good things. In other words, we need to re-evaluate our values and beliefs about ourselves and others, and a lot of people just don't want to do that (more's the pity).

Also, it examined the role of destiny in our lives. Most people like to believe that that they have more "free will" than they actually do. This also is disturbing to them. To think that sh*t can happen to good people repeatedly beyond their control, and even mold them into being cynical and jaded (like Dustin Hoffman's character in this film) is more than a little unsettling.

Kudos to all those involved in making this movie (probably knowing in advance how it would be received). It took guts to do this.


I LOVE this movie

"Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?" "Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"

