Wow, you americans really got a dry sense of humour...
If I'd have to pick one line(there where many funny), I'd probably say "could you ask my mom to make me some pancakes" ^^
Of course John Bubber's speeches where hilarious too, not to mention the cameraman! "He stands his ground, capturing images of raging flames, with no regard for his own personal safety!" ^^
The scene with Bernie explaining to his parole officer about how prisons are tough guys and how they "beep" each other. I'm not a tough guy". The amazing thing about this movie is it walked away with a PG-13 rating. There are tons of R rated movies from the 80's and early 90's with an R for language that don't include as many f- bombs that Hero has in it. Ex: The Breakfast Club.
My favorite line was when Bernie says something like "When you're a kid, you believe you're going to grow up and be this wonderful, great human being....instead of an a-hole like everybody else!" Profound & true!
Also like that line already mentioned where Bernie runs into the plane saying "Fletcher?" and the bald guy says "no, Smith!" and Bernie grumbles "F- this, I'm looking for Fletcher!"
Bubber: "We're all heroes, if you catch us at the right moment."
guy buying tv - "sh*tty complextion!" and Bernie says something like "she's homeless! Homeless people are supposed have to have sh*tty complextions!"
"Are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins?" ~ The Good Girl
I love all the lines above, but the one that always makes me laugh out loud is when Bernie's son Joey looks right into the camera, with a huge smile, and says "I knew John Bubber would save him!" ------------------------------------------------------------------- Messieurs et Mesdames, bienvenue au Cirque du Mousie
He tells his son the truth about saving the people on the plane at the zoo, then a woman is screaming that her daughter fell into the lion's enclosure. He is debating whether to save her, and his son gestures he should with his head, so Bernie says, "For Pete's Sake! Watch my shoes!"