Another problem, which is passed in silence, is his revival. When he was crygenically frozen, his heart would stop as with all other bodily functions, in other words, clinically dead. In addition to some sort of (I would assume) very controlled defreezing technique (certainly not direct exposure to the Californian climate, no matter what time of year), one would actually have to restart his heart, and the rest of his body. As he is 'awoken', he would be nothing but an old piece of frozen meat. It is stated that Finley's work was way ahead of his time, and this does explain why nothing like this has been thought of later on. But it seems very doubtful that the freeze capsule, no matter how advanced it looked, would be able to properly bring someone back to life, especially when it was not intended for more than a year.
And another thing; how could this thing have been powered for all those years? It was stowed away in a storehouse, and even if it was given any power (inventory lists it as a water heater or something), someone surely must have wondered why a storehouse should be such a power drain? Not to mention the danger of a power failure; a machine like this should need backup power etc. to be preserved for all this years. One must also assume that such machinery would need maintenance (liquid nitrogen, isn't it?).
I know it's just a movie, but there are so terribly many dubious scientific approaches here, which I feel the need to point out.
Lastly, I can honestly not believe how no one would know of this project. How could he have received funding for something like this, just before a world war. This seems not to be the best spending of money, when scientists almost had to beg the presidents for money to build the nuclear bomb (which is slightly more weapon-ish). Most conspiracy theories base themselves on few people having knowledge of the things involved as a means of eliminating 'someone must have known'-doubt, with this movie echoing those theories. Just my opinion.
Once again, I know it's just a movie, but surely, The Philadelphia Experiment was more realistic than this ;)