Wouldn't Sam be a full Lieutenant by "now"?
Sam is the same rank as Danny - a LT JG. But Sam's older than that - he's married, with a one year old kid. He's been in the JAG Corps for a good bit longer than Kaffee's 9 months. At least 3-5 years, if not more.
When I interviewed with the JAG Corps in my final year of law school, around the time of this movie, they explained that I would come in as a LT JG, but then automatically get promoted to a full Lt. within 6 months. Same thing with the Army - I'd come in as a 1st. Lt., but be a Captain within 6 months. (And no, I didn't get either position.)
Why is Sam still the same rank as Kaffee after all those years?
I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.