C'mon..d worst accent!

im irish and im appalled and humiliated by that cruise person!!
does anyone disagree?

"If only you could see what i have seen with your eyes"


im irish and i always cringe at both of their accents when i watch this!


Nope! Worst accent EVER was Martin Sheen southern accent in Gettyburg. What a waste.

Pax Christi
REv. Joel+


Neither of them are as bad as Thomas Gibson, the guy that Tom dueled with in the beginning and who comes looking for nicole at the end. Was he even trying?



Bad Accent Awards

Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman in the "legends of the fallling accents" pantheon forever. Oh dear.

#1: Worst Irish accent in cinematic history "award" goes to...Brad Pitt in "The Devil's Own".
There's not enough stout in all of Ireland to drown away the horror of Pitt's mangling of the beautiful lilt of the Irish tongue.

#2: I am from New Orleans originally, so I'm sensitive to southern US accents.

Worst Southern Accent Attempt Award goes to: Sandra Bullock in "The Blind SIde".
Lawdy, simply appalling. Can't believe she got an Oscar. Cannot. Believe. It.

#3: Worst Danish accent: Meryl Streep "Out of Africa"
Worst line:" Sho-o-o-ot hh-hh-h-her. Shooooooooooooot hhhhhhhhhhher."

I have never heard a decent Southern accent done by a non-native ever in any film. Even Julia Roberts who is from Georgia completely mangled her accent in "Charlie Wilson's War." Baffling. Another poster mentioned Kevin Costner. His Southern accents are atrocious.

The only convincing accents I've heard are British & Australians doing generic American accents. Emma Thompson, Tony Collette & Rachel Griffiths come to mind. Also the British actresss Rebecca Hall in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" did a very decent American accent, although a lot of her dialogue was written so stilted as to be impossible to give a true reading.


Just wondering if you have seen this under the "trivia" section...and do you agree? (being from the US, it would be difficult for me to judge an authentic Irish accent)

• Although he had over 17 years of experience in the business in 1992, this film marked the first time that dialect coach Tim Monich had to teach his cast to speak in an Irish accent. Technically, Nicole Kidman's accent is incorrect. As a well-to-do landowner's daughter in Ireland at the time, she would have spoken with a largely English accent, but, as this probably would have confused international audiences, she was taught to speak in an educated Dublin accent. Ironically, when the film was released, Tom Cruise came under fire for his hokey - though technically genuine - accent, while no one picked up on Kidman's incorrect one.





I find Julia Roberts' 'Irish' accent (Michael Collins and Mary Reilly) was far worse.
