MovieChat Forums > Chaplin (1993) Discussion > Which biopics of famous people would you...

Which biopics of famous people would you like to see?

I mean famous americans or britains like... Sir Isaac Newton, Dr. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Winston Churchill, King George VI, you know people like that.


Patrick Henry..........Andrew Jackson.....Robert Johnson......


Stan and Ollie
Michael Jackson
Ray Harryhausen

A better one on Lon Chaney Sr

You must say these words and these words only:
Klaatu barada nikto!


Because there aren't enough biopics on writers, I would love to see one about Stephen King, Shirley Jackson or Bram Stoker!



Considering the subject, I'm surprised more people haven't said Buster Keaton. It may not be quite as dramatic, but I'd imagine it would be much more focused (his struggles with MGM and the advent of sound), and I'd still appreciate the chance to watch the rise and fall of The Great Stone Face. For my money, David Hyde Pierce would be perfect, except he's a bit too old now.

Going station to station is hunky dory but if the trip's low on creeps it can drive Alladin Sane.


Bette Davis
Marlon Brando
Ingrid Bergman
Sammy Davis Jr.
Katherine Hepburn
Marvin Gayle


Michael Jackson

Bette Davis

President Obama

Joan Crawford


Edna St. Vincent Millay
A proper non-fictional William Shakespeare biopic
Robert Frost
Walt Whitman
Nora Ephron
Bob Marley
Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward love story
Woody Allen


Carole Lombard


Fatty Arbuckle
A more in depth one about The Three Stooges
Janis Joplin

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


Charles Darwin: The 2009 movie Creation focussed too much on his relationship with his daughter and wife, which became boring after a a while. Also, the character based on T.H Huxley was treated with an incredible amount of disrespect. There's enough material in Darwin's life to create an HBO miniseries. I'd like to see a movie/series that show the genius behind Darwin's mind. Also, it should focus on the impact his theory has on society.

Albert Einstein: Same reason why I'd like to see a Darwin film. There's never been a movie about the greatest mind of the 20th century. I'd be interesting to see his reaction on the creation of the atomic bomb.

Frank Zappa: One of the most interesting entertainers ever. It could be partially based on his autobiography. There are tons of documentaries, books and interviews that tell us about his life but it'd be nice to see a film that sums up his 30-year career.


i would love to see one on michael jordan, walter payton, ernie banks, vince mcmahon, hulk hogan, george lucas frank sinatra dean martin robin williams
