Most disturbing moment for you?

Mine was for sure when he suddenly just shoots that guy in the head at the dinner table. It was so unexpected and shocking...he does it so calmly too. I'm used to seeing sudden bursts of violance from Scorsese's films but this really threw me back.


None of it was disturbing to me honestly... The movie is very much a black comedy and it made me laugh throughout.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


As they break in the suburban house, Ben punches the woman who had just opened door and she starts having a panic attack on the floor breathing in and out rapidly. That was disturbing if you ask me. Child murder was humoruos.


The most disturbing part to me was when he screamed to shock that lady to death. That was sick,man.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain


The cut right after the rape scene with the womans guts all ripped out and the feces splatterd around the corpse.
