Ugly Jackie/Robin

Someone, anyone please explain to me how this ugmo could have ever ended up on the most beautiful people in the world list? Her face looked like the crypt keeper's aged aunt in this movie. She may be smart but she was ugmo then and still is now.


Not to mention her ugly attitude.

Get confident...STUPID


The ugly personality seems to be first because of her ignorance and the fact that she knows she is homely and wishes she wasn't. I'd be mad too if I looked like that! Ugh! Comparing her to Halle in this film is like comparing King Kong to Naomi Watts. Kong was ugly and the main attraction but Watts was the beautiful one and in the end was the real star. I don't normally bad mouth any actor or actress as I respect what they do but I found her so annoyingly and amazingly homely plus she can't act. Jennifer Lopez can act 50 times better than her and I am not even a fan! I've watched her from "Brewster's Place" to "Head of State" and many in between and can't understand why she is even on the silver screen. I've seen women working at Macy's in the makeup department who look 10 times better than her with sweet dispostions as well.



Hey guys and gals,

There's something about her that I find attractive.....

I think she's hot.

Just passing that on.

I wouldn't say no, that's for sure.


You are definitely in the majority. I've found that most men find her attractive and perhaps since I am a woman, I fail to see what they see. For as much as I respect that, I just disagree 100%. She looked fairly decent in Boomerang but the fake hair and that pointed jawline took away from what I consider beautiful. Compared to Halle in this film, Givens doesn't even come close to Berry in terms of natural beauty overall. I must say that I wish I had the curves Givens has. She has an amazing figure but that's about it.



Amazing figure? Really? I think the girl needs to eat a friggin sandwhich.


I guess I was trying to desperately search for one thing that would help me understand what the hype is over her. I guess other than being wealthy, she doesn't have much going for her at all 'cause even her acting is bad as I said before. Those bulging eyes of hers don't help either.



it's something about her attitude that is extremely sexy.

I wouldn't call her one of the most beautiful women in the world, but coming from a black male - yes, she is indeed a very attractive woman. And those legs...booooooooooy.

Stop hating.


Her attitude is extremely sexy?
Okay. And coming from a black male you find her indeed a very attractive woman?

Is that all it takes?

Attitude and legs? Dang I always thought natural beauty, balance, confidence, talent and a pleasing personality made a woman sexy. You mean all I need are great legs and an attitude? That's it??? Dayum!

Whatever you say.

Stop hating.

Even though I know you won't answer because of your extremely recent (and only) post, and although you 'registered' some time ago yet you JUST posted, , (been there, done that) I must ask where this came from?

I don't hate her. I don't even know her. I merely voiced an opinion.

Opinions sometimes have so little to do with hate.

Perhaps you will respond under yet another username as a single post.

Till then, thanks and for as much as I respect your opinion, I yet disagree.



You really don't understand men do you sweetheart? Who said a pleasing personality is sexy to a man? Men love bitches and that's what this movie is showing. Given a choice between Angela (women's pick) and Jacqueline (men's pick), Marcus went after the unattainable chick, the "trophy", the bad girl, etc.

Only after getting played, dumped, and re-played did Marcus FINALLY appreciate the good girl (Angela) right underneath her nose...but notice Angela had to get some backbone and finally dump his cheating ass before he valued her.

Let that be a lesson to all you women out there who think being nice will earn you brownie points with a guy. That nice stuff only works with other women. A martyr isn't sexy, but a confident woman who's not trying to be the man in the relationship IS sexy. Trust that!


What the heck was all that crap?

You couldn't even stay on the original topic as most of the other posters did and you also proceeded to babble on about nothing but a bunch of foolishness that would serve as a 'hot topic' in a 7th grade girl's gym locker room after P.E class.

Agree or disagree with me per the topic, I really don't care but rambling on about that grade school level mess is nothing more than a waste of time. Really.

And calling someone you don't personally know "sweetheart"??!!???

Um, no.



Oh em Gee. Clearly the "bitch" with the sassy attitude didn't land the guy.
The nice girl won in the end.
End of story, nice girls are what a man wants.


That's pretty good advice, jara

I did hear that men love bitches. Turns them on or something; keep men on their toes. It makes a lot of sense.

Me, for example, I'm considered an "Angela" really sweet and understanding. But when I get pist and turn on my "bitch mode", I can't tell you how many times my guy have kissed my ass afterwards.




Thanks jocwill. I appreciate what you said and I do agree with the points you brought out!

The leading lady is not always the prettiest.

So true!



Whatever, IMO Robin Givens has ALWAYS been beautiful. Halle didn't have anything on her in this movie. People dislike Robin because of her reputation. I remember all of the girls wanting to BE Robin when this movie came out. Halle is beautiful no doubt, but Robin deserved the leading role in this.
And piano, I don't know what you have against Robin and why you need to go on her boards arguing with everyone who disagrees with you about her looks but I think you're a little obsessed with it. I'd never waste all of that energy just to repeatedly call some woman ugly. It's kinda weird.


Whatever, IMO Robin Givens has ALWAYS been beautiful. Halle didn't have anything on her in this movie. People dislike Robin because of her reputation.

Whether Robin Givens is beautiful or not is purely subjective and so is your inupt as with the vast majority of your comments. That is not to say that what you submitted is not valid. Whether she deserved the leading role is a matter of opinion and not revelent in the initial topic but as you said, whatever. For as much as I disagree with what you said, I do respect it.

And piano, I don't know what you have against Robin and why you need to go on her boards arguing with everyone who disagrees with you about her looks but I think you're a little obsessed with it.

I have no "need' to go on boards...not that I should have to explain this yet again I don't have anything against Robin. I don't even know her. Please go back and read the previous posts and perhaps, lucky for me, you will comprehend what I am not willing to repeat here. It would also help if you would provide the names of those people I "argue" with about this nonsense. I don't argue yet I think you do.

and why you need to go on her boards arguing with everyone who disagrees with you about her looks

Which boards belonging to 'her' and what 'arguments' are you referring to? You need to be specific.

but I think you're a little obessed with it

Other than your imagination, where do you 'intellectually' come to the conclusion that I am obsessed with this? To be obsessed means to be fixated or CONSTANTLY preoccupied. I don't think you know enough about me or the word to make that kind of assessment based upon a few posts on some message boards. That is immature and shallow. Perhaps you are.

I'd never waste all of that energy just to repeatedly call some woman ugly. It's kinda weird.

Well good for you kiddo.
I wouldn't either.



I don't think piano is obsessed, it's just a topic for discussion. Like I stated above, I find Robin attractive. I don't however see anything attractive in Halle Berry. I don't get that at all. Yet I know a lot of other guys would say she is hella fine. Not me though. I'd go with Robin any day.

Different Strokes for different folks.

My name is Anigo killed my father...prepare to die.


Thanks fiverites.

You put this very well. I am always pleasantly suprised when I can have a discussion where we can disagree without being disagreeable. It is rare to find that level of maturity and balance yet unfortunately this is way too often not the case.

Different Strokes for different folks.

Perfect. More people need to adopt this attitude!



Her head is too big for her body...
She looks like a boggle head!!


Ironically, cafeconleche, a couple of my friends made mention of this as well this weekend while discussing some of our favs (and not favs.)
It must have been the weave in this film. Her head didn't look as big in The Women of Brewster Place.


She was on an episode of "The Fresh Prince of Belaire" and in that episode her hair was short. To me her head still looked a little big, but now that I think about it, it could also be her jaw line that makes her look unproportioned. Her jaw line is very squareish.

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change..."


I think Robin is a very attractive woman. However, she would be absolutely gorgeous if it wasn't for two things: her mouth and her chin. Her chin sticks out and makes her look like she has a flat face, and the way she uses her mouth looks like she's always smelling something that stinks. In fact, I think this is one of the reasons she comes across as having an "attitude" because her mouth and high cheekbones make her look like she has a smug expression on her face all the time.

But yeah, in 1992 Robin was hot, and Halle was "merely" pretty. Now Halle is the one who's hot.

"Let's not fight crazy with crazy."


I think Robin is pretty and it appears she didn't need plastic surgery to be "hot," unlike Halle Berry. Take a look at her back then and now. Hell, take a look at her when she starred in 'Strictly Business."


I think robin givens attitude and body is extremely sexy, plus she is beautiful. In the film i would have done everything i could to stay with Jackie if i was marcus. Damn she was and still is smoking. I love the confidence.



Robin Givens is no where near being ugly.

"Celebrities pretend to be normal and down to earth"


Halle was way more attractive than Robin in this film but I think that Robin had a confidence that most guys find appealing. And i think that in real life, most guys would go for Robin over Halle just based on the way she carried herself alone.

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.


-Coming from a White male I think that Robin Givens is absolutely beautiful and yes it has to do with how she carries herself and her attitude that exudes sexiness. There's something about a smart, beautiful women who's strong and in command that's really attractive. Also, someone said Givens' hair was fake in this movie, well I don't know about that, but it looked pretty real, sexy too when it was done up at the event introducing Strange. Robin was the hott one and Halle was the cute one in this film.

"Death by stereo" -The Lost Boys


What does your being a White male have to do with anything?

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.


-It's just a perspective, if I were Black I'd say "coming from a Black male" as someone did earlier on this thread, no big deal.

"Death by stereo" -The Lost Boys


i wasn't making a big deal but ok. "coming from a male" would've been perspective enough, i think. but whatever.

Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.


White, Black, Blue or Polka-dotted, piano, I think you are 100% correct!

For as subjective as all this is, I agree with you totally. Givens looked decent in this film thanks to the help of makeup,etc. but she is definitely not beautiful or pretty naturally or with the makeup.

I think that you were commenting on looks only and not confidence or personality. In terms strickly of looks, according to your original post, I agree. There is very little appealing about her at all. My wife feels the same. In terms of your original debate, which had nothing to do with confidence, Givens is just ugly. She is. Again, subjective.

Obviously I am male and I cannot see what the big deal about her is either. Her face is certainly not all that. There is nothing beautiful or pretty about her except maybe... hmm her legs?????? Nia Long has her beat by a long shot!! Now that's what I call beautiful!
Givens being 'beautiful' is as much hype as Mary J. Blige's singing and J. Lopez's acting.


Givens being 'beautiful' is as much hype as Mary J. Blige's singing and J. Lopez's acting.

Watch out now! Mary J. is a fantastic singer. And while J.Lo won't win an Oscar any time in the near future, her movies have been watchable. And she did an Excellent job in "Enough".

-That's all the time we have, thanks for playing.


I agree. She had this weird vein thing going on, on her forehead. Halle Barry is so much more attractive.

I'll stake you without even thinking twice about it! -Edgar Frog


Not my cuppa tea.
She couldn't pay me to touch that.
"Marcus" should have banged it and bailed...mentally and physically.

-3 people can keep a secret, if 2 of them are dead


I think Robin Givens is pretty, and far from "ugly."


Ugly? Are you out of your mind? I had to stop the film, go back and watch the sex scene several times. She was HOT!



