MovieChat Forums > Boomerang (1992) Discussion > Why is the world is this film rated so l...

Why is the world is this film rated so low?

This is one of the best movies ever! The meaning of it, the switching of laugh every two minutes if not more it's just great. Great Eddie Murphy movie second only to Coming To America.


Not as good as Coming To America. But a classic none the less. Non white charecters as leads to this day doesn't get the credit it deserves. It wasn't until Rush Hour and Hitch grosses over 200mil until people started to notice. Though not expectéd to, Will Smith bucked the trend. Even though Tyler Perry is holding the torch. The Madea charecter overshadows his every other depictions.
Then you ha ve films like Precious in wich people can't look beyond color. When the story has nothing to do with color.

Im the Alpha and the Omoxus. The Omoxus and the Omega


i believe this movie appeals only to a certain demographic


I was just about to post that same question. I thought the plot was good.

~Don't like what I said, then eat my f---, bitches!~



Me & my sister were talking about this flick on Easter and having a few popped my DVD in yesterday & finished it this morning...this movie is sexy, a touch sophisticated (classy), and dare I say, HILARIOUS! I didn't get the low rating either!

I gave it a 8/10, (woulda gave a 7/10, but that rating ticked me off). The soundtrack is also phenomenal!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


It's rated low, because it was tired as hell at the time. Eddie was on a roll through the late 80's, but thought he was Clark Gable all of a sudden.

Cultural bias, or whatever dumb sh*t people are writing has nothing to do with it. Eddie (and Jennifer Hudson) got off in Dreamgirls.Eddie can act when he wants to, but my man doesn't make the best choices in films. Beverly Hills Cop 3, Vampire in Brooklyn, Metro...etc. All that dumb sh*t started here.
