Whitney's acting !!!!
Whitney's acting was HORRIBLE. My prime was the 80's-90's and I loved Whitney Houston the singer...but can't stand Whitney the Actress... I've seen acting school auditions 10 times better than her performance. I mean, I think the director must have been star struck and afraid to make her redo her scenes or something, or maybe felt sorry for her since she had just had a miscarriage... The scene when Whitney is sitting on the balcony smoking a cigarette was the worst... she sits there and is supposed to be petrified because she actually spoke to the stalker yet she almost has a smirk on her face when she's telling Frank Farmer (Kevin Costner) how scared she is and how she needs him.. She actually sounds like she's reading her lines instead of acting them. NO emotion what so ever.. I hate to state the obvious but if the acting had been better, the movie would have been so much better.