MovieChat Forums > Batman Returns (1992) Discussion > "Catwoman Is Black and Penguin Is Gay"

"Catwoman Is Black and Penguin Is Gay"

According to some people on Twitter. *sigh*

Now, I personally like the idea of Catwoman being Black. In fact, if I were casting Batman Returns, I'd probably have looked for a Black actress to play Catwoman (although I can't deny that Michelle Pfeiffer is absolutely SUPERB in the role, and it's also true that few Black actresses were very marketable circa the early 90s, apart from Whoopi Goldberg, and, yeah, she was not really the right type for Catwoman...).

I'm also fine with Penguin being gay, since it builds upon his identity as an outcast and a social 'freak', although I certainly see him more as a closeted gay man pretending to be a ladies man/surrounded by beautiful women, in order to maintain a certain type of hyper-masculine image within the gangster milieu in which he operates, rather than someone who is open about their sexuality.

However, whilst a Black Catwoman and gay Penguin may be great, and may even be my personal preferences (at least in the case of the former), the entitlement of clueless Gen Zs who don't realise that a white Catwoman existed long before Eartha Kitt/Halle Berry/Zoe Kravitz, and that prior to 2015's "Gotham", Penguin was portrayed as a straight man, is really irritating.

Like I say, it's not their preferences that bug me (I would say I generally share them). It's their insistence that their preference is the ONLY way these characters can or should ever be portrayed. Not only is it the height of entitlement, it also displays their ignorance.

Like I say, Catwoman can be Black (as is my preference) and Penguin can be gay (which I'm also partial to), but to insist that they can *only* be Black and gay in EVERY iteration is utterly absurd.


I read that Penguin is an anti-Semitic characterization. This kind of stuff is generally projection.


Good God, there's no way Penguin is gay in Batman Returns! 😄

Also, Whoopi Goldberg as Catwoman? 🤣
