Name One Way You'd Change This Film
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shareI would have had Selina go off w Bruce so the two of them could be tortured avengers together. And instead of working for misogynist Shrek....she is his personal executive assistant at Wayne Enterprises.
shareI'm not that crazy about the origin stories and motivations of the bad guys. Didn't particularly like Max Shreck, who wasn't even a character from the comics, either.
I liked the idea from the earlg draft of Penguin just being a criminal released from prison hiring cat burglar Catwoman.
I'd quit this whole Penguin for Mayor thing and just make him an underworld mob boss like he is in the comics. The whole misleading the public doesn't fly.
shareCut out the silly penquins and circus freaks.
shareMake the sets bigger, have more aerial shots, and hire more extras. I've always felt that Gotham City was very small in Burton's Batman films.
shareCut the penguin story completely.
shareNot a bad idea. But I do think the Penguin was a good parallel character to Bat and Cat.
shareFor me Batman films are always more successful when there’s one main antagonist, Returns started that trend of overstuffing the film with celebrity showpiece casting at the expense of the title character. Then Schumacher ran with it and we all know how well that turned out.
Besides, the Penguin story was just not that engaging to me, not to mention the styling of the character was visually repulsive. I don’t need to look at Danny DeVito in a fish stained onesie dribbling black crap everywhere. Pfeiffer was by far the best thing about the film and it’s a shame she didn’t have a suitably epic Bat vs Cat script to match her performance.
Yeah I see where you’re coming from. I like Penguin though, but he did get in the way of more screen time for Catwoman. Pheiffer killed it.
shareHave at least one catchy song like the soundtrack by Prince from the first one.