MovieChat Forums > Alien³ (1992) Discussion > Alien 3 is the Last Jedi of the Alien fr...

Alien 3 is the Last Jedi of the Alien franchise

Aliens ended happily for Ripley, with Hicks and Newt as her new family. But then the next director didn't like that and wanted to subvert expectations, so he killed them all off in his sequel movie.


yeah , what makes these two movies unique is that they have characters that didnt return for the sequel , really breaking new ground. Hasnt happened before or since.


Tbh, I didn't want Ripley, hicks and Newt as the Xeno hunting family. Original ideas were to do an alien movie without Ripley but the studio wouldn't hear of it. Not sure why people blame the director for it.


Who said anything about hunting xenos? I'm sure the three of them (especially four if you count Bishop) just wanted to be out of there.


As I said in the rest of my post, the studio wouldn't do an Alien movie (at that time) without Ripley in it.
Personally, my feelings are that with a bit of thought, they could have put Hicks and Newt in a different escape pod (EEV) and sent them off in a different direction, leaving them alive.


I like that idea a lot, leave them alive so that Ripley could come back to them later. Like John Connor in Dark Fate, I really fail to see why they have to kill off such memorable and beloved characters so cruelly.


Yeah, I just said this on another post. It would have even been more interesting to have a grown up Newt have to contend with Super-Ripley down the line in a better version of the Resurrection storyline.


People are blaming the director for this?? You’ve got to be an idiot if you think Finch had ANYTHING to do with how the movie turned out. If anything he helped the film not become one of the worst of all time. Alien 3 is widely considered to be one of the worst examples of studio interference, so much so that they often filmed stuff without Fincher. He was often helpless to what happened to the plot. Do some research.


Actually, Alien: Resurrection would be the "Last Jedi" of the Alien franchise.

Alien 3 was a decent movie and far better than Alien Resurrection, the AVP movies, or Alien Covenant. Yes, Aliens is still my favorite in the series, but Alien 3 is good despite the deaths of Hicks and Newt.

In fact, I think Hicks and Newt dying is what made Alien 3 better. You gotta understand is that the guys who wrote the first three Alien films intended each of them to have a theme that corresponds to the cycle of life.

Alien is about birth
Aliens is about living life and finding meaning in it
Alien 3 is about the inevitability of death and coming to terms with it
