MovieChat Forums > 1492: Conquest of Paradise (1992) Discussion > Amerigo Vespucci Discovered The Mainland...

Amerigo Vespucci Discovered The Mainland?

Towards the end, I think it's supposed to be 1500, the Vice Roy tells CC the mainland was discovered "weeks ago" by "another Italian" Amerigo Vespucci.

From Wikipedia

Columbus made three further voyages to the Americas, exploring the Lesser Antilles in 1493, Trinidad and the northern coast of South America in 1498


Ragnar discovered North America.


Only forgot to tell everyone else.


nope, Floki did :D

I hereby declare that the continent should be called Flokia ...


When Cortez landed in Mexico, the Aztecs thought he was one of their gods named Quetzlcoatl, since he was a bearded man returning from the East.

One theory says that Quetzlcoatl was a 13th century Christian Viking who got the "Feathered Serpent" moniker from the way his dragon boat looked with the dragon head prow and the shields and oars. Apparently he lived among the Aztecs and taught them metallurgy and tried (unsuccessfully) to persuade them that human sacrifice was bad and became a local ruler.


No, it was the native americans who discovered America


Actually they were native Asians crossing the land bridge to Alaska...

and going further...

those were natives coming out of east Africa...


What bridge connected Alaska to Asia? They didn't have technology, and still don't, to build a bridge connecting Asia to Alaska


The Kontiki dude argued that Inca's discovered Polynesia.


The settlement of the Americas began when Paleolithic hunter-gatherers entered North America from the North Asian Mammoth steppe via the Beringia land bridge, which had formed between northeastern Siberia and western Alaska due to the lowering of sea level during the Last Glacial Maximum (26,000 to 19,000 years ago). These populations expanded south of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and spread rapidly southward, occupying both North and South America, by 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. The earliest populations in the Americas, before roughly 10,000 years ago, are known as Paleo-Indians. Indigenous peoples of the Americas have been linked to Siberian populations by linguistic factors, the distribution of blood types, and in genetic composition as reflected by molecular data, such as DNA.


So the people from Asia are the ones who really discovered America?


I wasn't there...

Not trying to offend here, but I "learned" from Parker and Stone's "The Book of Mormon" that the Garden of Eden was somewhere in Missouri. So maybe Adam and Eve walked from Nova Scotia to Norway and then across to Kamchatka and then Alaska... makes me want to pull out my RISK game board...


pre Columbian Asian Americans discovered the Americas, but it's confusing because Asia and the Americans weren't named.


I thought the Incas discovered South America and the Aztecs discovered Central America and no one knows really who discovered North America. Maybe the Vikings?


We're all related if you go back far enough.


Columbus thought the mainland was another island. Vespucci realized it was a new continent.
