I've edited all the flashbacks together
It took several months and the quality of some of the clips isn't particularly good but I've finally done it! Might try experimenting with fades to make it less jumpy
shareIt took several months and the quality of some of the clips isn't particularly good but I've finally done it! Might try experimenting with fades to make it less jumpy
shareIf you have done it in chronological order from his first death to where he meets Tessa then that would be very cool.
Plus im curious have you included the flashbacks from Highlander Endgame?
So it's treason then!
Yep it's all there from when Duncan was a boy in "Prophecies" up until the swordfight on New Year's Eve with Walter Rheinhart. The flashbacks from Endgame are also there although some of them are very poor quality.
shareWhat was the run time of all the flashbacks edited together?
So it's treason then!
So it's treason then!
That right there is a prime example of why imdb signatures (with no separation from the post) were pointless, annoying and distracting.
That could so easily have been part of the actual post , but its only revealed in his next post that that is is "sig"
Lets learn from this and never reintroduce them to moviechat .
or anywhere ideally.
The whole things about 12 hours long. I've split it into 8 parts covering 50 years each.
Do you have a link?
shareObviously he hasn't! Weird to think 7 years has passed....
I think there is an error with the Duncan in Arabia and his first meeting with Xavier though as Duncan had been living in France before that and seemed somewhat educated but he had reverted to his Scots accent and his somewhat braggart demeanour while living with Hamza before Xavier took his head! So either the writers made a boo-boo or the compiler did?
Shut the door, Mary
shareDid you upload it somewhere? I'd be interested to watch this.